Anyone else notice this? M&P

Every time I dry fire an M&P---the front sight bounces around all over---I think its something with how the trigger stacks.

If dry fire my P95(double action-hammer down) the front sight doesn't move at all---same with a Sigma----neither of these is known for a particularly light trigger-----doesn't happen with Glocks either.

Whats up with the M&P?

Uncle Malice

New member

My front sight stays pretty still on my M&P. :)

M&P 9 Pro - 30 feet

First round:


100 rounds: (Could have done better. Some of this was rapid fire.)



New member
COULD be a bit of a trigger shape/ geometry issue. What I mean is, on the fine end of things, there can be a difference in performance for an individual with a particular trigger shape or design/ feel/ pull weight....that doesn't occur with another very similar design.

Case in point: my little teeny Kahr CM9. Best trigger feel (to me) of any I've ever tried - though it is long. Many hate the Kahr trigger- but I shoot that little pistol better than ANY other. I have NO difficulty keeping the front sight dead on the target. The trigger has a total pull length of 19mm (including takeup) ....and a rated pull wt. of about 6.5 lbs. Contrast this with my Sig P250. A very similar trigger feel, also very smooth....but about 25mm total pull length and about 5.5 lbs. I shoot the 250 well, but NOT as well as the Kahr.

The Kahr trigger shape "fits" my finger perfectly. Totally comfortable, throughout the pull motion.

The Sig trigger, on the other hand, has an odd sort of angle at the very tip and just doesn't feel quite as comfortable, to me. The shape of the trigger is more rounded, on the front face, than the Kahr, so it "feels" less secure, even though both triggers are almost exactly the same width (approx. 9.5 mm). The Kahr trigger is flatter on the front face, which feels better (to MY finger).

The Sig, on the other hand, has a grip that is MUCH better in overall form (for MY hand), than the Kahr.

As another example, I can't get used to the feel of the Glock trigger at all (can't stand the feel of the trigger latch) I don't shoot Glocks well.


However, having said all of that, it IS possible that you just haven't put in enough practice with the M&P.

It certainly appears, from the results of others, as if there is nothing inherently "wrong" with the M&P trigger. I have tried them and the trigger felt good to me. But, maybe the M&P is just not quite YOUR "cup of tea".

Ultimately, ONLY YOU can decide.
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New member
Whats up with the M&P?

It is quite possible that the trigger was designed and built by evil flying monkeys. There is no earthly reason for it to have multiple stages and yet it does. I am getting a new trigger for mine but I did notice that you can smooth it out some and eliminate one of the stages by using improper trigger squeeze.

Drag your trigger finger across the bottom of the trigger well when firing and you will see what I mean. It makes me feel guilty when I do it but it does work.


New member
In all seriousness, I've witnessed what you're describing on pistols I've owned. It usually doesn't impact my actual firing of the weapon.


New member
Let's see:

The first "stage" is the safety. On my new model using proper trigger squeeze it clicks then drags till it pops over the point on the safety inside the trigger well. Additional force is required to overcome the safety.

Trigger pull poundage drops during this stage. The next bump comes when the trigger bar starts rubbing against the slide lock inside of the magazine well. No earthly reason for this.

The next stage is the trigger bar roughly making contact with the sear. This increases poundage until the firing pin is released.

Still traveling backwards after firing (again no earthly reason) the trigger bar makes contact with part of the slide mount reaching full stop.

Really it is a testament to the accuracy of the pistol to overcome such a terrible trigger.