Anyone else not get John Connor?

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New member
I'm not trying to pick on him and I havent read all his articles, but since he started writing for American Handgunner I've never once understood what the heck he's talking about or learned anything from his columns. They seem full of inside jokes and made up words and after about half a page I give up every issue. I hear good things about him so I must be reading the wrong issues or something. Anyone else feel this way?


New member
I started reading him when he started writing for AH and just don't get what anyone sees in his stuff. That's cool: there's a whole lot of stuff that most people like that I don't.

But, I'm with you, amigo. :cool: I don't even look at anything with his byline anymore.


New member
I read his stuff to try to understand view points other then my own. But I find him to be a little paranoid or closed minded. But it takes all kinds.


New member
Im not sure what to think of him although I respect his opinions. What I am getting tired of is the constant talk of getting everything you can while you can talk. It's not as though everyone reading that magazine doesn't already know how hard it is to find ammo or whatever. That kind of talk just adds to the problem of people thinking they need to buy every single round of ammo they can find. And those types of articles just makes it harder to find.


umm...mostly he's pointing out BS and indicationg that BS should not be tolerated..or sometimes he just thinks a certain range bag is cute. What's to get? and, by the way, paranoia is not without merit.
It might help if you think of John as a BTDT guy crossed with a mall ninja. Personally, I understand what he writes (which is heavy on the jargon) but I think he might have spent a little too much time in Indian Country and is still a bit FUBAR.


New member
I enjoy him.

I don't idolize writers like some people though, I have respect for many.

And Connor is at the top of the list.

He skims through the BS that goes around, and it is interesting. Although a little paranoid, in some ways maybe not ;) depends on the perspective. Alot of it is what I classify "Humorous out-takes on real life stuff that would make you pucker if it was said any other way".


New member
I don't care for him, and intend to let my subscription run out. He gives gun writers and gun owners a bad name, as far as I am concerned.


Busy bodies and fascists (The American left) try to give gun owners a bad name, The American Handgunner is a primo publication that does not tip toe around the pointy headed wowsers. If it isn't PC enough for someone they should let their subscription laps.

Les Auten

New member
I have read several of his articles and enjoyed most.I think his story about little Lizzy was among his best.

He may not use perfect grammar but he tells his stories more like a fellow man talking to you over a couple a drinks.
To me his writing is a cross between Lawdogs style and sms, style they may not win honors in a college English essay contest (that would make them boring to me) but they can almost show you a story with words.
They also have a knowledge learned by living through some hair raising situations that other writers have not.


New member
AH is my favorite gun rag, because it isn't PC and is a entertaining read. I think the comment
IF gunrag writers were real writers, they wouldn't be gunrag writers!
is a little elitest and distasteful.
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