Anyone else hear this one?


New member
One of my coworkers told us in a meeting today that a "relative's friend of a friend" told her that she'd been dating an Afghani for the past year. On 9/10, he stood her up, and when she went by his place, it was empty, except for a note telling her that he was sorry, but he had to be away, and to not to fly anywhere on the 11th, and to stay out of shopping malls on Halloween. FBI now allegedly has the alleged note.

Dunno if this is your basic urban legend (does pass several of their "flags"), but hey... Anyone else here able to confirm/deny?

Marko Kloos

New member
Smells like Urban Legend. If there was any truth to it, it would have been all over the place. You think someone with information like that wouldn't have been cashing in on it with the newspapers?


New member
I've seen two variations on this in the past 24 hours. Certain details are the same, others are different. I call it a hoax.


New member
There's an old saying, "A lie makes its way around the world before the truth gets out the door" - or something like that.


New member
This is REAL:

"Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'" ("US troops would enforce peace under Army study," Washington Times, Sept.. 10, 2001, pg. A1, 9.)

Army's School of Advanced Military Studies is the SAMS referred to in article quote.

Pretty odd stuff