Anyone Else Have Mag Trouble w/ LCP?


New member
I picked up a newer version of the LCP recently (better trigger, improved sights) and like it.

I bought a Ruger 7 round magazine for it and wasn't able to get the magazine latch to catch and hold the magazine in, loaded or empty. I took the magazine apart and cleaned and inspected it and all seemed well. I did some research and see where some folks have sanded down the upper part where it meets the butt of the grip and this worked. I didn't want to do that so I contacted Ruger. They sent me a replacement butt plate which was identical and had the same issue.

They then had me send them the gun and both the factory and 7 round mags.

I got it all back yesterday with notes stating they replaced the magazine latch assembly and test fired it with both of my mags. No notes on results though!

Well, the 7 round mag does now function properly, however! now I can no longer get the 6 round mag that came with the gun to seat! Ack!!

It will seat perfectly if I download it by one, but if I put all six rounds in, there is no way it will seat. I have a nice bruise on the palm of my hand from trying to push it in. I've taken it apart and all seems well, and like I said, 5 rounds? perfect fit. But there's no way it will seat with all six.

So I contacted Ruger about it again and will hopefully hear something this week.

Anyone else having these or similar issues?

I forgot to mention, that nice, smooth, light trigger of this newer model? It's gritty now. It has a very pronounced spot in the pull where it sort of "grabs" and it didn't do this before. I field-stripped the gun and cleaned and re-lubed it but it didn't make any difference. I have no clue how they managed to bug up the trigger working on a mag problem.