Anyone else have a non-full lug 17-6?


New member
I never find much of a response to this query in any thread I've asked it in. My first handgun was a Christmas gift from Mom shortly after my Dad passed away and it was a box-fresh Smith & Wesson Model 17-6, no lug, with TT and TH. Got a trigger stop, had the big grips on it, same as my 686-3 came with.

The bible of Smith & Wesson (SCSW) says that the dash-6 was a transitional year when they went to full-lug. Mine is not and the book doesn't reference how many were made in each style, or if it DOES...I missed it.

There are truly a lot of K-22's out there. If you get a wild hair to look for one, it's amazing how many you can find. They are incredible guns but IMO, they are not at all rare guns.

Other TFL'ers have a 17-6? Full lug or no lug? This revolver was new in '88 or '89. I don't know if mine is more or less "rare" than a full-lug 17-6 but if I had to guess...I'd say it's less rare.


New member
I have a 17-5 with the bull barrel


and a 17-6 with the full lug


Both great shooting guns, the 17-6 has kind of crept its way to number 1 shooter and I have about a dozen k-22s of various variants. They are all good.


New member
Thank goodness someone knows how to take a nice gun picture without running a railroad tie through the trigger guard.