Anyone Carry a High Power?

Amin Parker

New member
Well since Constantine asked...

I have been carrying a T Series for a long time now and was wondering how many of you carry this fine pistol or its clones on a regular basis.

I find it defines a carry gun. Manual safety, slim profile, excellent pointability, well made, reliable, single action, cocked and locked function. It also does not hurt that it is simply a beautiful pistol.

If so, which model/variant/clone.


New member
I carry a 1972 which has been customized by Wild West guns. C&S Commander, Hammer, sear, wide trigger, extended wide safety. Novak Nights. It wears Spegel grips and rides in a Kramer IWB or Rafter leather OWB.

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New member
I do!

A 1993 MKIII - as long as I am not in "dressy CC mode" - for all the reasons you described. Most natural pointing handgun I have ever handled.


Sgt Pepper

New member
I do from time to time. Mine is a 1990 Israeli surplus pistol in a Mark III type, i.e. dovetail white dots front and rear. I removed the magazine safety and installed a C&S hammer and sear kit. The original spur hammer liked to bite the heck out of me, but the C&S doesn't even come close. Very slim, well balanced, naturally pointable, easy recoil, and accurate. What's not to love?!?!?!?!


Well I havent carried in a long time due to pain, stress and general short temperedness, so as a responsible guy I've put the carry guns away.

But now that the Seecamp has to go, the custom BHP will be it in a Galco Miami Classic

WildlifehasalreadytosseditsdailysuckatmeAlaska ™©2002-2011


New member
Well I havent carried in a long time due to pain, stress and general short temperedness, so as a responsible guy I've put the carry guns away.

Few people have this kind of self-discipline, impressive.


New member
I carried one a long time ago, but I still shoot the couple I have on a fairly regular basis.

Two things Ive noticed that annoy me these days more and more with them, one, the newer ambi safety levers pinch my hand when swept off, and two, ever since switching to a thumbs forward grip, they have the same problem SIG has (more like in reverse though) with the grip, which is, my left thumb constantly hits the slide stop and locks the slide open on a mag with rounds still in it, or occasionally, allows the slide to close on an empty one.

Still, they are decent shooters, and all of mine have had nice triggers, even with the mag safety still installed. Although the safety itself is a tad annoying.


Few people have this kind of self-discipline, impressive.

It a pain in my old man butt. I'm stressing about medical bills, work, my kidneys and I find myself EASILY annoyed.

Not just the annoyed you guys know me for, ie sarcasm, but like looking at a person acting like a jerkoff and really feeling that need to kick his butt. In other word, psychologically, I am far more agressive than I have ever been. I understand from close friends who are in the mental health profession that aggressive feelings under periods of stress are quite common, as is situational depression, which I also show symptomology of. Staring at a gun you wanted for years and now must sell makes ya just want to bite your knuckles and swoon.

I have been assured that both of these should ease up as the Suck tossed towards me by life decreases in volume.

Now mind you I still shoot, it does relax me since I go with one of my best friends and we can at least discuss the Tao of Life-Suck.

The important lesson to be drawn is INSIGHT. I recognize what I am feeling, and because I recognize it, I will be back to normal.....

Guys and gals always examine your feelings if you are getting bombed with Suck every day....put aside the gun. You may need to change your life a bit (no more late night Ghetto Market ice cream runs for me) but it's better for you in the long run.

Thread drift over

WildimonmythirddayofdrinkingoliveoilandlemonjuiceAlaska ™©2002-2011
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New member
I have been assured that both of these should ease up as the Suck tossed towards me by life decreases in volume.

Hang in there. It get's better.
I'm proud of you for setting your guns aside while you go through this crap.


New member
I do not carry a HP yet but I want to start. I've been carrying a Kahr MK40 or P380 depending on the day. I recently went on a binge and within a month or so bought three Hi-Powers and I'm in love with them. I would need to go IWB if I do carry and haven't decided on a holster. It would be my first IWB but thinking of the supertuck.

Wildalaska, hope things get better for you sooner than later.
lol thanks Amin! Gotta represent what you carry! ;)

I've carried this a few times..I'm scared to scratch it. I need another one so bad. :p


Btw where is that sweet spot on the bowling pins? I'm assuming the top part of the head that looks like a Q-Tip?
Carried one about 25% of the time last winter. This winter I have carried it less than a dozen days. I seem to have bought a number of slimmer shirts and the HP prints REALLY bad under them. I need to re-think my clothing I guess. (been carrying a G26, Colt .380, Kimber Ultra and now a Ruger LCP)


"If I were right-handed...."...

The FNH/Browning Hi-Power is a classic 9x19mm pistol.
I put it in the "if I were right-handed" slot of popular handguns. ;)
FWIW: I did see a sweet NIB FNH Hi-Power with the SFS system on . That would be a excellent carry or duty pistol.
If I got it, I'd get some custom work by Chestnut Mountain Sports in VT. Master pistolsmith Karl Sokal is noted for carry/duty P-35s or custom Hi Powers in .40S&W or 9x19mm.

Cylinder and Slide is a good custom shop too.


New member
.40, yeah sure

When the Hi Power came out in .40, I had to have one, you know how it is.
Shoot it a bit in IDPA, can't seem to get to any matches these days though.

Mine is reliable and accurate, and the trigger has only improved w/ use. Carried it enough that the grips are a bit scratched and the pretty blue is marked, but its honest use.

The 10 + 1 of .40 is a comfort, and the pistol is reasonably slim and carries conceals easy in a yacqui slide type belt holster.


New member
Back in '66, I carried one in a shoulder rig 24/7. It was a Bel/FN with Nazi proof marks, if I was told I couldn't carry a 1911A1 again; I would go with a Hi Power in 9mm again.
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New member
My new Hi Power will be arriving at the local gun shop Monday. I'm not really planning on it becoming a carry gun, but I'm not against it either. I opted for the epoxy finish instead of the polish blue finish for just that reason. If I find that I can conceal it well enough, and it proves to be reliable (I'm sure it will be), then I would have no problem picking up a decent holster and occasionally carrying it.


New member
No where near a regular basis. This was my nightstand gun for many years but she does get carried on special occasions.