Anybody watch Heros?


New member
My wife an I are addicted to this show. Last night Nathan Petrelli pulled a Glock out to shoot Linderman and guess what's the next sound you hear... A hammer cocking! Man I hate hollywood. They mess up everything. What's with all the long slide custom 1911's? Suresh and Bennett both carry these raceguns. Just a vent about stupidity in an otherwise great show.


New member
HA! Another poor addicted sap like me!

All of the 1911's with the huge compensators actually came from Bennett. They seem to be his standard-issue sidearm. He left one at Mohinder's apartment, one with Issac, and he always seems to have one on him... Horrible weapon-retention training in that agency, if you ask me.

Edit: Actually, it was the random "cable guy" spook that left the 1911 at Mohinder's apartment, but he worked for Bennett, so... same thing.
The gun that Isaac had, was it a 1911? What was up with the visable cartriges? Is that common on "race guns"? I hate how people (on tv) always point a gun at someone, and then when they are about to shoot them, they rack the slide! It's like THE GUN WAS UNLOADED THE WHOLE TIME?!?! Oh well, its dramatic I reckon.

Smokey Joe

New member
Remember the origin!

Hey, guys, this is Hollywierd, the place where when a car rolls over it invariably bursts into flame, and the hero with a pistol can always hit the villain on a galloping horse.

With a very few notable exceptions, authenticity in dealing with firearms is not one of their priorities.

Just relax & enjoy the TV show for what it is.

If the inauthenticity is more than you can stand, turn it off.
Oh well, its dramatic I reckon.
Yup, that's always #1.


New member
One of my favorites is to see someone shooting a revolver and the foley artist added the sound of casings hitting the ground.

That and guys racking the slide on a pump five times before actually firing it, each one accompanied by the sound of a hull bouncing off the floor.:barf:

Smokin Joe

I dont think that was a glock,

Last night Nathan Petrelli pulled a Glock out to shoot Linderman

you know what ? this is turning into the X men.

This is stupid, I dont think that tim kring had an idea of what happen.


New member
Ok guys, what's the gun? I now see it's definatly not a Glock.




New member
It absolutely is a P2000SK. The show the grip when Jessica first takes it out early in the episode. You can even read P2000SK on the frame in some of the shots throughout the series. And it does have a hammer.

BUT, when Nathan was aiming it after supposedly cocking it, it was decocked, so the argument is still valid.

Man, I feel like a nerd for that :barf: :D

I just noticed because I love HK's and that show is full of guns being cocked every other scene - I think the cop guy cocks his gun every other scene and inbetween shots usually.


New member
Clayfish said:
My wife an I are addicted to this show. Last night Nathan Petrelli pulled a Glock out to shoot Linderman and guess what's the next sound you hear... A hammer cocking! Man I hate hollywood. They mess up everything. What's with all the long slide custom 1911's? Suresh and Bennett both carry these raceguns. Just a vent about stupidity in an otherwise great show.

They did the same thing in an episode of the X-Files.

Only it actually was a Glock.