Anybody upgraded sights on a Model 14 ???

I recently bought a sweet Model 14 with a 6in. barrel and already know this is possibly the most accurate revolver I have ever owned. My only grouch is my eyes find it hard to deal with the glare and contast of the high gloss blue finish on the front and rear sights. I tried visiting Browells' site with no luck and run into a frame classification debacle that I dont really understand. The model 14 lists as a "KT" frame and I assume the "T" is for "Target" but am not sure how this relates to parts and accessories . If any of you have any ideas or know of any sources for sights or maybe pistol smith gurus that deal with this kind of thing please let me know. Thanks for helping,,, 10 SPOT


I'm a little confused because the sights on your model 14 should be matte blue, not bright polished. Worst case you can remove both the rear sight blade and mask off the front sight blade. Blast both with a coarse media then cold blue them. Got a picture?