anybody seen this on a 1911?


New member
Hey All,
With the thumb safety thread on here recently, it made me think of this one...

Week or so ago I stopped in the local shop and looked at a 1911 they had used. The thumb safety would not come off safe unless the grip safety was pushed in. I've never seen this before and the clerk tried to play it off like it was supposed to do that. :barf:

Anyway, without giving names out, it was one of those kinda-expensive double stack ones.

Safety feature to keep it from coming unlocked or something wrong with it?


Jim Watson

New member
Hard to tell since you are being coy about the brand. Why?

Have you checked the mystery company's website or literature?

But if the double column abortion frame has anything close to real 1911 working parts inside, it is not right. It might be somebody's bright idea of an "improvement" but it is not normal to any 1911 or near mutant that I know of.


New member
Thats not right,

STI and SV's have the same innards as a single stack. So... what is proper function for a gov't model, should also be for a doublestack. edited to add, Pardon my assumption of who made the gun but you said kinda expensive.


New member
Sounds like a broke 1911 to me. The safeties should work independent of each other- otherwise why even have more than one?