Anybody made their own Shoot-n-C targets


New member
I was looking at the shoot-n-c target I shot up yesterday and was trying to figure out how they do it. It looks like a glossy backing paper covered with that stuff you have on scratch-it game pieces.

My brother (ex paint sales man) thinks a glossy latex might do for the black part.

Has anybody already thought this through and care to share the secrets?



New member
Someone posted a thread about this sometime back, had the instructions. I was going to try it but never did.
I did a search but didn't come up with the post I'm thinking of.


New member
I've never seen a Shoot-n-C target up close, but I know that almost any target will leave a nasty black mark on a metal target.

I use traffic/marking paint on my metal targets. After a couple hits, the target looks like a bird's-eye view of Afghanistan.


New member
Or......dare I suggest it? Oh heck I might as well. Noooo....I better not. Oh yes I will.

How about buying some Shoot-N-C targets so the company will keep coming up with new things for shooters?

There! It's out!


New member
SK - Thanks, I looked also but didn't find one.

YankyTrash - I don't have any steel, but it's on the list for someday when I have spare cash.

Kharn - I have a spotting scope and honestly it never even ocurred to me. My mind frame was for pistols (yes I know, short enough to walk.), I usually realize when I am shooting my rifles that I should have brought the scope.

Lavan - A noble thought. See my reply to YankyTrash regarding cash.

Thanks for the replys, I'll let you know how it turns out.


New member
what the target is made from is a floresent yellow paper oversprayed with a flat black paint
the black paint is not fully adhered to the yellow paper so it crumbles away when stressed

they prolly coat the yellow with a release agent before they spray the black

something to try:

buy floresent yellow paper at the walmart & spray it with Pam
then overcoat with flat black Krylon