Anybody live in Rep. Barbara Lee's District?? Boy, you should be proud!


New member
She is the ONLY representative to vote against the resolution to allow the President to use force.

I certainly hope this becomes political suicide for her.

Idaho Mike

New member
When you check out her record on her own Web site - she's so proud of a laundry list of Demo/touchy-feely actions.
Maybe she can get a P.R. job with bin Laden after she's booted-out of office. :barf:


New member
When I saw that on fox news I had to do a double take and make sure it wasn't my rep. How embarassingfor those people!:barf:


New member
I'm not in her district, but I am nearby.

This just absolutely amazed me...

This person does not deserve to remain a citizen, let alone an elected official...

Here's the letter she will be getting from me.

15 September, 2001

Congresswoman Lee,

I find it extremely disturbing that you could even consider the action's that you took today, to be anything short of Traitorous.

Madam Congresswoman, you have unquestionably risen to new heights as an Elected Official and Representative of your Constituency. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT; your vote today was NOT REPRESENTATIVE of your constituency, the people who have elected you to office, and whose voice you hold.

Have you no shame? You have acted IRRESPONSIBLY, proving that as a Representative of the People, a Public Servant, you are merely serving your own interests, and personal goals.

With ONE VOICE, the PEOPLE of the United States have spoken, most strongly, through their elected official's, publicly condemning the actions of Terrorists to murder more than 5000 citizen's of our country. Every Man, Woman, and Child of this nation feels great sorrow and indescribable anger. They have publicly called for their President to respond with military force, prosecuted with EXTREME PREJUDICE, and to extinguish forever, any chance these barbaric animals will ever have, to repeat this terrible tragedy.

What, in the name of God, would possess you to issue a "Nay" vote, in granting the Commander-in-Chief, the POWER necessary, to respond to these Barbarians, and the VERY REAL THREAT to peace, and freedom that they pose?

I am quite certain that YOUR lonely, singular voice, echoed loudly, through the Chambers of Congress this day. I am most certain that you noticed the strong, bipartisan support our President, the Commander-in-Chief of the United States received today in both Houses, as your colleagues on both sides of the aisle rallied to support our President.

Madam, you asked your colleagues to "Think through the implications of (y)our action today so that it does not spiral out of control.'' NEWS FLASH! Terrorism has ALREADY "Spiral(ed) out of control". We have been ATTACKED, on our own soil, and THOUSANDS of INNOCENT AMERICAN'S have died. America IS COMMITTED to ending the fight they started! They have solidified our resolve.

Madam, you have failed! You have failed miserably, to uphold your sworn Oath of Office, and the Trust the people of your district have bestowed upon you. Your lack of support is deafening. I doubt there are many who could forgive your callous, insensitive act. May God have mercy on you.

The victim's of this tragedy must be avenged. A victim of this tragedy had entrusted you to carry their voice, as a resident of your district, and a Constituent of yours. Now, as the family of this victim seeks answers, and looks to their Elected Official who represents them, you desecrate their memory

Madam, you disgust me. I am very grateful, that I am NOT a resident in your District. I am, however, a California resident, but most importantly, I AM AN AMERICAN, and I must strongly urge you to resign your office.

Your actions today have probably been the single, worst deed Patriotism in this Nation has seen, since the Terrorist Attack on September 11th.

I seriously hope that you can find the courage, just one last time, to do the right thing. The disservice you provided today demands it.

Most Disgusted,
(my complete name)