Anybody Know What Happend Today At The Stones River Hunter Education Center (TN)


New member
Somebody was injured in some way or another and I heard shot with small caliber handgun. I was just showing up to shoot right after it happened. Engine company, two PD units and a paramedic arrived. They guy they took out appeared to be moving on the gurney and didn't appear to be in horrendous pain or anything.

At any rate, any Nashville folks know any details.



New member
I recall someone posting in another thread about witnessing a Stupid Human Moment involving a jammed (and then suddenly not jammed) pocket auto at a range... That might have been it...


New member
Here's a copy of the posting I made about it over on another board. I was there for all of 3 or 4 minutes when it happened.

Fun time yesterday. I went down to the TWRA range off Hobson Pike in Nashville and after seeing a waiting list for the rifle range decided to just play on the pistol range for a bit. I get my target set up, they call the range hot, I fire one cylinder of .357 through my GP100 and suddenly I hear "CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE! THE LINE IS COLD!"

Some nimrod at the other end of the pistol range (I was in lane 25, he was in 3) was attempting to clear a jam in some sort of .25acp pistol. Apparently he decided to do this with it somehow pointed towards himself and his finger in the trigger well. He got the jam cleared all right and managed to shoot himself in the abdomen.

Fortunately it doesn't appear that it was a serious injury. EMT's hauled him off to the ER and after diddling around for about 20 minutes they decided to close the range for the rest of the afternoon. Fortunately they handed out rainchecks or I would have spent $5.50 + ammo & gas just to fire off six shots.

I'm glad he's going to be okay. Hopefully he'll learn something from this.


New member
Sometimes, if you think you have a gun malfunction, the best thing to do is just lay it down pointing down range, and think for a moment about how you will approach the problem.....No hurry at the range.


New member
Sometimes, if you think you have a gun malfunction, the best thing to do is just lay it down pointing down range, and think for a moment about how you will approach the problem.....No hurry at the range.

I did that when when I experienced my first revolver squib and doing so may have saved me some considerable grief.

That's excellent advice for all.


Moderator Emeritus
Don't lay it down and wait. Hold onto it, keeping it pointed in a safe direction, and wait 30 seconds. Then get the attention of the range safety officer if you don't know how to clear the jam. Setting down a firearm that is experiencing a hangfire isn't always the best idea.