Anybody got TruGlo TFO sights?


New member
I'm thinking about these for my Glock 35. Seems perfect, since it's used as a nightstand gun and an IPSC/IPSC gun, but I haven't seen them in person and I don't know anyone who has them. Any positive or negative feedback would be appreciated.


New member
I use the TFO front sight and a black rear. This is a very fast sight picture and not nearly as "busy" as with the the TFO on the front and rear.



New member
I've thought that that might be a better setup for my needs. It's best to focus on the front sight in a competition and at the short distances inside my apartment all I'll need in the dark is the front anyway. Can you get just the front sight? All I've seen is the pair for sale together. What rear sight do you use?


New member
You may want to re-think the use of these sights on a Glock 35, because I am certain that the front edge of the front sight will overhang the opening on top of the slide. If you're fine with that, then it's not a problem. I originally put Meprolight adjustable night sights on my G35, and its long (and tall) front sight overhung the slide opening. I have fixed Trijicon night sights on my G35, and fixed AmeriGlo night sights on my G34. I couldn't be happier.

I just order my first two Glock chambered in .45 GAP, a G38 and G39, and decided to try the TruGlo TFOs for them.


New member
I had one installed on the front sight on my Sig P229 and was disappointed!
I have bad eyesight for up close. I train without the use of reading glasses because if a serious incident occurs, you don't have time to stop and put glasses on. Back to the Tru-Glo sight, it did not improve my sight picture.
So if your eyesight is poor, this is not the solution. Perhaps XO sights is an answer to poor eyesight.



New member
I've used the TFO's on my USP, but they're not on there anymore..

IMO, I found them to work ok, but the tritium wasn't terribly bright (maybe they sat in inventory for a long time) and the fiber optic tubes are, by necessity, rather short, limiting their light gathering. Therefore, they worked very well in certain lighting conditions, such as ambient daylight on an overcast day, but would get washed out rather easily on a bright sunny day at high noon or indoors under direct lighting. Also, the quality was so-so, they had casting and machining marks, and required a lot of fitting, to the point of re-working the dovetail angles.

I know there are others out there who swear by them, and if they work great for someone else, cool. But given my eyesight, they just didn't offer the improvement in sight picture I was after.

So I've got XS Big-dots on the USP now, and I'm loving them. Good quality, minimal fitting required. Fresh set too, so the tritium is super bright (Trijicon tubes, BTW). One of my eyesight issues, I've found, is discerning the negative space in a conventional sight picture to get good left/right alignment - this is a non-issue with the XS express style of sights. I can pick up the front without my glasses or contacts. And I've found that they are very quick for 7-10 yard defensive ranges, both in initial sight picture, and for follow-up shots when you re-align. For longer ranges they work too, just takes a bit more lining up.

Some people hate the XS sights, and can't shoot worth a darn with them. But the investmant paid off for me, and my TFOs are in the parts bin now..


New member
I have tried pretty much every type of sight out there. I don't know if I just got lucky or what, but my TFO front sight is by far the brightest that I have ever seen. Much brighter than my Big Dots, Trijicons, Mepros, Heinies, or Novaks. I would say that the TFOs are at least twice as bright as any other sight that I have ever seen. I purchased the front sight only direct from Tru-Glo and I use a Dawson fixed rear sight that is designed for use with his fiber front.



New member

I have Truglo TFO's on both my Glock 19 and my Sig P229 specifically to help me due to my poor closeup eyesight and have been extremely pleased with them. The definately improve my sight picture, but given what some others are saying here they've got me considering the XS Big Dots for my Sig P220.

You might try doing what I did when I was considering my first pair and going around to a few gun stores in your area and seeing if any used guns have these sights on them.


New member
Gary Brommeland does not have them in his site yet, he posted - in another forum, I think Combat Carry, - that he was starting to sell them. You have to call him at 423 733-1779. He uses them on one of his guns, I think it's a Glock, and loves them - that's why he is peddling them now. His wife told me that she can see them when watching Gary shoot.


New member
Here are some photos of Tru-Glo TFOs on my Glock 38:


