Anybody else see this on Kimber guns!!??


New member
Was at my local gun shop to pick up my latest firearm. My dealer had a bunch of Kimbers in the case(which I liked) And they all had a yellow sticker on the case that read "NOT FOR SALE IN MARYLAND" Anybody else seen this lately!? When I asked her what's with that she told me two things 1)Because they don't have a firing pin safety or 2)If you do buy one in Maryland they (POLICE) need a fired case from the gun to "KEEP ON FILE"(gun has to be sent to them first) which is scary! Anybody else know or have an opinion. Any Maryland people KNOW!!?? Any opinions you be appreciated---DAROGUE1


New member
Maryland and Massachusetts both require external safeties and firing pin safeties, hidden serial numbers and a "ballistic finger print" of each handgun offered for sale to the general public. Firearms not meeting these requirements are labeled with "Not for sale in ..." stickers when offered for sale in other States not having these requirements.

This is old news for many of us here at TFL.


New member
Do a search (top of the page) for "ballistic fingerprint" and you'll find plenty of information on Maryland.

Bottom line, MD was the first state to go with a ballistic database of all firearms, something Clintoon's thugs wanted on a national level. That's the pattern. Develop, test and debug a concept on the local level then go national.


New member
Anti Gun Culture

These regulations are part of the liberal, anti gun crowds attempt to make the world safer from law abiding citizens. For an honest gun owner they represent a minor pain in the ----. To a BG who wants to own a gun they are easy to circumvent or ignore. So, once again a law/regulation has been passed to keep the world safe from honest people.

James K

Member In Memoriam
At the moment, the "ballistic fingerprint" fired cartridge case is the only requirement in Maryland. More requirements go into effect at the beginning of next year.

Ruger currently drop ships compliant guns to Maryland, as do some other makers. Some distributors have stopped shipment of ALL handguns to Maryland, including old guns not even covered by the law, which covers only guns made after Oct 1, 2000. One distributor refused to ship an Argentine Model 1927 Sistema Colt. Glock has refused to ship to Maryland. This seems to have two motives - they don't want to bother making exceptions for a small market, and they want to bring political pressure on the state government. The latter course does not appear to be working, though prospective buyers are furious. The governor is smiling, as the reduction of handgun sales in the state was always his real goal.
