Anybody build a 1911

so ive been toying with the ideal of building a 1911. I like the 1911 style of pistols and i have found several sources for frames and then i could mill it to spec and fit all the parts. I know this would be a enormous amount of work and would cost more than a custom pistol from any manufacture but i would be able to fit everything to my standards and know exactly what went into it. So any body on hear built any 1911s?


New member
I've never built a 1911, however it really boils down to two things:

You know what you're doing and spend only what is necessary.

You have no idea what you're doing and have to buy two (or more) of just about every part that requires fitting.

Note: This is assuming you do not own a 1911... If you do, then disregard.
I would recommend starting small and picking up a cheaper 1911. There are PLENTY of options, and you would get a good working knowledge of the platform first. Start off by fitting a safety and go from there.

To me, I've never really felt the need to build a firearm from the ground up. I think with the current market of 1911s, someone should be able to find just about anything to fit their needs.
Well I'm a builder I just like building things to say that I did. Right now I have a custom Mauser hunting rifle and a marlin leveraction rebuild that I am working on. I have experience in machining and with a good set of prints can normally figure stuff out. I will have to do a lot of research before I would start a project like this and might pick up a cheap Springfield or something just to shoot in the mean time. Would love to see some finished project pistols.


New member
What kind of 1911 do you want to build?

I have built 1911s on Essex frames, two or three on Springfield Armory frames when they were available separately, a couple on Colt 1991A1 frames that were available as "frames only" from Colt about 15 years ago, and recently, I put together some 1911 "shooters" using RIA Philippines made frames that I got from Sarco for about $120.00. They're not "race guns" or fine target guns, but they have all been good, reliable shooters.

The last two RIA framed guns were put together using mostly surplus parts that I have accumulated over the years and Brazilian slides. Each gun cost around $150.00 or so, and were about 98% drop in.

So, what you need to do is analyze what kind of gun you want. You can "put together" a good, reliable shooter for well under $300.00. If you are looking for a high end gun, that, obviously, is a different matter.


New member
You'll never come out ahead by buying all the parts and doing the work yourself. However, you end up with a gun that is completely yours, and there wont be another one out there like it.

My suggestion is to buy some reading materials and go from there. There are plenty of great books out there with lots of helpful information on the inner workings of the 1911 and how to properly set one up. After you educate yourself, then you can start looking into the various frame kits and tools out there for building a gun.


New member
I just finished up a bobtail commander build. I took my time over the winter and really enjoyed it. Did I spend more than I would have just buying the gun or a gun like it........probably. If so, it wasn't by much.

I started with a Remsport fitted frame and slide and had them bobtail it. Then added mostly Ed Brown parts with a few Fusion parts.

I really enjoyed it. If I had to do it over again, I would. I could have done it cheaper, but the quality of parts would have gone down.
It's not easy (it's more like guesswork without the proper tools). I "made" one from a junk RIA .38super. The only things stock are the slide and frame, everything else was replaced and fitted by me. It shoots well and locks up tight, but scrounging up parts and fitting them sure took a long time, time flies when your having fun:D
wow thanks for all the replies, and especially the link the the 1911 site. took a quick look last night and looks like i have hours of reading to do.

Amin Parker

New member
I have built 2 1911s and found it a very rewarding experience, expensive but well worth the money.

They are not target grade guns but that was not my intention from the start, i wanted to build fully functional pistols that were reliable and thats what i got.

I have started another about a month ago, i must say its very addictive.


New member
I've built one gun from a box of parts, and another one that had started out as a complete gun, but needed a new frame. It is quite fun and rewarding. Parts will have to be sacrificed to the learning curve, so I wouldn't recommend buying a lot of high-end parts for the first go-'round. I spent about $800 on parts, ten years ago, for the box-of-parts build, and after installing some small parts in other guns - triggers, safeties, etc. - felt comfortable spending on higher-end stuff. The second gun cost about $1200 Machining operation had to be farmed out, so someone with a mill would be ahead of the game in that respect.
well i think ill start by picking up a cheap springfield or something to tune up and shoot, then i might buy a frame and slide and build one, then after i know how everything is suppose to be i might try one from a unfinished frame and do the machining myself.
I built my first with help from the "Gunsmithing" area at . Since the first I've built a few more. It's somewhere between a disease and an addiction. There's no question that you can buy a complete, NEW 1911 from any of several entry-level makers for probably less than you'll spend on even a budget build -- but you don't learn anything from that. Dumping that bag of parts out on the table and figuring out which one goes where is an incomperable experience.


I bought a bare Colt Commander frame and slide, then hand-fitted all the individual parts. Does that count?


New member
One day when I have time I will build a 1911. Probably start the easy way with a kit from Fusion or Famco, then get adventureous later.