Any Suggestions?


New member
I have a DPMS AR 10 and the trigger on them things is hhhhhhorrible... :mad:horrible horrible and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a new trigger. I would like it to be under aa 3.5 lb pull and I wouldn't like to spend my life savings on it. They make a really accurate gun and put a ****ty trigger on it..:barf: now if that makes sense please inlighten me. :rolleyes:
thanks for your imput


New member
Now you know why Fulton ARmory hand-fits the trigger on each rifle we offer. I would suggest a JP two-stage non-adjustable. It won't cost the earth, and will get you down to a crisp 4.5 pound pull (or less, we don't recommend going below 4.5 pounds for gas guns). Remember that at two-stage trigger such as the Rock River feels a lot lighter than the "same-weight" single-stage trigger. The first stage will take up part of the pull weight; you only feel the balance of the weight on the second stage, which will be a lot less than 4.5 lbs for a nominal 4.5 pound trigger.

If you choose to honor Fulton ARmory with the privilege of your custom, you can find the RR trigger on the .223/5.56 Lower Parts Page.




New member
Thanks wjkuleck for your reply. But could you explain to me the difference between a single and two stage trigger? and also what is the advantage of one over the other? thanks