Any source for short Vz-58 mags?


New member
I've debated getting some short magazines for my VZ-58. The rifle is awesome as a personal defense weapon and the 30-round magazines are definitely fun and useful in competition (or if the Russians ever come parachuting out of the sky) but I feel they affect the handling. It definitely affects the way the rifle points versus an unloaded magazine, and you can feel the weight of the loaded magazine for sure. It also makes it very difficult to shoot from a bench or a rest. I would be interested in taking the rifle hunting, and while I don't have any magazine capacity restrictions in my state, a shorter magazine just seems handier. I'd almost be interested in something SKS-like in profile.

I would do something with a capacity of 10, 15 or 20, 5 if nothing else is available. Would really be interested in a magazine that doesn't extend past the grip vertically. Also not super ridiculous. Zahal has some 20 rounders for $45 (Out of stock right now) and I'm sure the shipping costs add up considering they would come from overseas.

Pond James Pond

New member
There are also some you can get from this site:

The link should direct you to a page full of VZ58 mag options with 75rd drum mags, standard 30rds, all the way to 20, 10 and even 5 rd options.

Never shopped from there, but know some who have: not US based, though. May be a issue for ordering or may not.

EDIT: ignore me. I've just read that the OP referenced Zahal already... It's late and I'm tired. That is my excuse, anyway...


New member
I checked Zahal again anyways. Turns out that they're sold out of not only 20 round magazines, but sold out of every single VZ-58 magazine in 7.62x39mm


New member
How does the floorplate fit?

It might be possible to shorten the magazine. Although it's not the same magazine, some people shorten AK magazines.