Any source for cheap 38 practice ammo?


New member
Sold off my revolver ammo stash before I got married and moved, and am now wanting to return to my smoke wagons :D. I can't believe how much revolver ammo has gone up! I was buying 50 rounds of 158 grain LRD for 8 bucks a box!

I have to believe there is some source for buying volume (500-1000) rounds that will knock the price down some...if you have some super secret source you don't want made public, I would really appreciate maybe a private message then or something. I literally have one or two spare rounds floating around that survived my ammo sell off. At 18+ dollars a box for simple 130 grain FMJ...not sure that I can step back into the wheel gun realm. Reloading is out for right now. Not adverse to buying trusted reloads.

Thanks in advance....



New member
For what it's worth, I think the white box 130s go for less than 30 per hundred at walmart. Have bought them as recently as early this year, but haven't looked in a while.

Problem with 38s is that they aren't as crazy common anymore and weigh a lot. Reloading is the only way to go for wheel guns, imo.

just carl

New member
Pending on where you live there are usually gun shows in many areas of the country. In Illinois there are gun shows all over the place. One in a place called Kane County Fair Grounds a gun show usually has really cheap ammo. One dealer there sells reloads for most guns for so cheap it doesn't even pay to reload yourself. AND he takes your spent shells for cash or more ammo.


New member
It's pretty high around here too. $31 or so for 100rds. I'm glad I saved all my brass. I knew I would be reloading someday and now I am. I'm loading my own for about $7/50. One of these days I'll start casting my own bullets too.

***I don't know why your not reloading but If it's because of space you can get a Lee handloader and accessories for not much more than $100 that will fit into a toolbox. Work at the kitchen table or even the range and pack it right back up. No bolting anything to the table.
Just thought I'd mention it


New member
Reloading is out for right now. Not adverse to buying trusted reloads.

Never used them myself, but I've read numerous good reports. Best prices I've seen on ammo, short of reloading yourself.

You get a better price if you exchange brass. If you don't have brass, you could buy some initially without exchange, then start exchanging. In the end, it'd still come out pretty cheaply.

Another alternative is to buy some once-fired brass and use it for exchange up front. I've typically seen it for $150/250 pcs, but I'm betting you can even get it cheaper somewhere. Even with the purchase of the brass, it'd be a bit cheaper than buying w/o an initial exchange. If you order the once-fired brass on-line, I'm betting you could even ship it directly to MasterCast and save some $$ on shipping.

William Lee

New member
USAAMMO has .38 reloads for abou5 $130 per 500 including shipping. They have jacketed flat nose and hollow points that run a pit higher in pricing. This place rocks, and the reloads are high quality, not that much dirtier than regular cheap stuff.


New member
if you have some super secret source you don't want made public, I would really appreciate maybe a private message then or something.
If you'll send me the location of your secret fishing hole, I'll send you my super secret ammo supplier. :)

Seriously, the Ammoman prices look pretty good, especially with shipping paid.


New member
It is very easy to learn how to reload, I highly suggest it.

I started reloading three years ago at the tender age of 53...old dogs CAN learn new tricks.

I can reload 100 rounds of 148grn HBWC's for less than ten dollars.

Sure wish I had all the money I have spent on factory ammo over the years.


New member
ammoman did look pretty impressive. a 100 WWB here at Wal Mart is 32.95 in WI... 3 bucks shy of a 100 box of .45ACP... Whats the deal with that!?


New member
I went to Tulsa Arms show this past weekend and bought 500rds of .38 wadcutters for $105.

It came with a cool 7.62 can too.

The ammo was factory reloads that are sold to LE agencies for training purposes. You can find their ammo at Cheaper than Dirt. It's called "BVAC" or bitterroot valley ammo co.


New member
Yeah, ammo prices have sure gone up.

A> Bite the bullet and do the reloading thing. It doesn't take much ammo to cover the cost of a low end reloading setup.
B> Years ago, before I got set up to reload, I got into the habit of buying range ammo from Mastercast. I saved my brass, I still use what I accumulated back then in my current reloads.
C> Georgia Arms is another option. In my past experience, their ammo is good but their prices aren't as good as Mastercast. That may have changed. Just looking at their website, it looks like they are having trouble filling .38 Spl orders, so I wouldn't count on any sweet deals from them in the short run.
D> If you have a Dick's in your area, you might consider the UltraMax reloads. They have the advantage of being available, but they are dirty and my experience with them is that the brass they use has been old and worn out. Lots of split brass rejects. If you don't reload that isn't a problem, but if you do that's something to keep in mind.


New member
With the governor's take added, it would have cost me $45-$50 for 100 rounds of 158gr SWCs from a local store! Who can afford to shoot at all, at that price? I bought a set of Lee dies and 100 bullets for less than $45 from Midway. Ammo makers must be trying to recoup their losses from when there was no ammo on store shelves? Oh, wait . . . :confused:


New member
3 bucks shy of a 100 box of .45ACP... Whats the deal with that!?

Check out the prices for .380 ACP if you want to see something ridiculous. It costs less to manufacture than 9mm (smaller brass and bullets).