any RCBS turret users

so im going to try to get a reloading bench set up this summer and im looking at kits and am trying to decide. Ive been helping my dad reload ever since i can remember on a rcbs rockchucker kit and have always had good luck with it but i see i can get a turret kit for not much more. Ill be loading both rifle(219 zipper,6.5-06,etc) and pistol(38,357,soon 45,44,ect) as well as forming cases (219 zipper from 30-30) so lots of leverage is a must. I would like to hear from any one who uses the rcbs turret press and what you think of it.


New member
Dont have one now used to but that was a while back....i like the turet can load all of your dies in it and not have to worry about taking them out of the press when you go from one stage to the other...what i used to do rifle wise was do 50 rounds or so on one die then when it was done rotate and do the next set on the other pretty good...also you can load 2 calibers per head or so depending on if its a rifle die or pistol die so saves from having to change dies for caliber changes.
and you can also buy other turret heads to add more dies in as you add calibers you pretty good i think


New member
I had a Rockchucker for a long time. I then switched over to the Lee Classic Turret press and have never regretted it. You will turn out ammo that is just as good and do it a whole lot faster.
so what ive been looking at pictures of the RCBS turret kit and i have a question. What the heck is the big rod thingy mabob sticking up on the side of the press. It has what looks like a hand wheel on it and i cant seem to think of what it might do.


New member
Never used the RCBS Turret, but every reloading bench needs a RCBS Rock Chucker and a Lee Classic Turret press. I use the rock chucker for rifle since the cases need to be prep before loading and the Lee Classic shines on loading pistol or revolver cartrages, but can do rifle as well.




New member
RCBS terriet press

My wife and I are using:
9 Lyman T-Presses
1 1970's Rockchucker
1 Hornady Projector
To me the RCBS terret press looks flemzy?


New member
"What the heck is the big rod thingy mabob sticking up on the side of the press"

That is the primer feed tube, it looks to me that it would get in the way of indexing the press and the powder measure when attached.
the primer fee tube huh, looks like a horrible inelagant solution to that but i wonder if it could be removed since i want to hand prime most things anyway.


New member
Another option is the Lyman TMag 2 turret press. I've recently aquired one and I'm pretty happy with it so far. Redding has a 7 station turret press that is also worth a look. What I've noticed on my turret press, if you don't batch process (performing one operation on all of your rounds before moving to the next operation) but rather perform all operations on a single cartridge, completing it, then moving on to the next, you don't want many more turret holes than what you are going to be using. Indexing through empty stations will throw off your rhythm. When I bought my TMag I also got the micrometer adjustment for my RCBS powder measure, and once UPS shows up today I will have the case activated linkage for my powder dispenser. Automating as many operations as possible really improves speed.