Any problems with Wolf HP Steel Case in AR15?


New member
I found what I think is a good deal on Wolf .223 Steel case HP ammo. Has anyone had any problems with it? I have no intention of reloading this round so that is not an issue. I am mostly concerned with feed and case problems. If anyone is interested in some I will post the link that I found.

Thanks guys


New member
Nope, no problems with it at all. The only thing about it is that it's a little dirtier than most ammo, but it's still not bad.


New member
Some AR rifles will not function well with Wolf. Try a couple of boxes in your rifle before you buy a bunch of it.
I've personally found that higher quality AR15's do great with Steel cased ammo.... and although I still tend to avoid it for the most part, my guns all shoot it just fine.

Lesser quality kit guns will likely struggle... and some manufacturers of lesser quality condemn and/or void warranties for the use of steel cased ammo.


New member
My first semi-cheapo build has been eating it up..

But I don't mess around when it comes to the cleaning,,,that stuff is dirty..