Any parking lot aggression at stores?

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I just saw a little story, about the way people park, and saw a film, of people's parking habits. They even showed survelliance tape of a car pushing another car out of a parking spot. Never understood the concept of driving around, or searching for a spot. I always just went down a row, and went about 6 cars past the last cars, and parked. No matter what the weather. Cold doesn't bother me, 80% of the year it was a T-shirt and jeans, Rocky boots. During hot days it ws shorts, instead of jeans. I always figured the exercise from walking was good for me, and no surprises, from people in cars next to me, until I was completely out of the car. I usually always managed to beat the people to the inside of the store, who would drive around for the "perfect spot". I understand people with infants, and cold windy weather, that is why I usually would pass up spots up close. It was especially funny/annoying, when somebody would cause a backup onto a street, waiting for someone to pull out of a spot, when goingto the Gym. These people are paying to exercise, and shun walking a 100 yds. outside, never understood it. So anybody see or hear any stories?
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New member
There are many reasons to want a closer parking spot.

Suppose I plan on buying something big that i will have to leave the store with.
Suppose I am a woman and want to be less vulnerable in a parking lot.
Suppose I am in pain or sick and don't qualify for a handicapped sticker.
Suppose I revel in the pleasure of getting the best spot.
Suppose I need to get to the bathroom inside.

Me? If it's that crowded, I either go later or go somewhere else.


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When I was single I had a foolproof method . I would get my Christmas shopping done in September and made sure that I didn't meet anyone I might like before Christmas .


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I am a park-far-away guy too. The thing that angers me is when people sit and wait for a person to load the groceris, strap in little junior, shut the gate that is taller then them, get into the car, start the car .meanwhile, in one case, the person waiting ended up in the intersection directly infront of the doors stationary. Traffic backed up about 8 cars each in 4 different directions. Eventually, someone :rolleyes: got out and tapped on thier window, asking if they had any clue what was going on around them. When he rolled the window back up, this person :rolleyes: jumped on the hood beating the windshield in with a baseball bat....well, he wanted to anyways


New member
I understand people with infants, and cold windy weather, that is why I usually would pass up spots up close.

XB, I only listed one possibility, their are many. I also said I did give up spots for people who might have problems, and need to get in to the store. Me understanding those possibilities did not make me not acknowledge, that there are some valid reasons. Most people did not fit your description, and I doubt that one of them would use their car to push someone out of a spot.

I usually always managed to beat the people to the inside of the store
So for someone going to the bathroom, your criteria does not apply in my experience.

Most of the people you mention never go to the Gym. The Gym, that I was talking about was almost never crowded, it was just that someone did not want to pull into the parking structure, they blocked the only entrance, and if they had pulled in there were spaces about 30 feet away. With the large #'s of people in and out, and the security patrol, it was rather safe.

I was not angered, unless I was forced to have my life in danger, because I was parked in a way that my life was endangered. I do get mildly annoyed, when people who can move there vehicle to one side while waiting in a row of vehicles, sits right in the middle, blocking traffic. I just seem to "people watch", and find obsevations about people interesting.

I have bought large exercise equipment, and the sales person had me pull up to the curb to load a heavy or cumbersome object.

Parking close to a store, between 2 large vehicles, does not gurantee anybody's safety, a person, can open a side door on a mini-van, and abduct you. It depends more if people who are not criminals are around. They have video tape of the little girl getting abducted in the car wash, the area is small, the area has no people though.

I am sorry that this is a sore topic with you, it seemed that with last minute shoppers out, there might be some ugly incidents, proven by a video I saw.
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New member
I'm not judging you, nor am I judging those who want to waste time looking for the perfect parking spot. Don't take it that way. I'm just trying to join the conversation. Sorry I didn't have any horror stories for you.
Best regards,


New member
As second story, this one from my mother.

She came out from the grocery store, went to her car, five spots in (found empty by luck) and began to load. About the time she got the hatch of her minivcan open, someone began beeping for her to hurry up. Kinda funny, because she still had a second cart to deal with back in the store. So she went in t get it, much to the dismay of the waiting SUV and the several people stuck behind him. When she came out, he was still there. She made an immediat about-face and came out this time with a police officer that was in the store for security.

Some people breath too much of MY air


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I try to avoid shopping malls, except during "off hours", however regarding the original question, "had I seen any aggressive behavior at the stores", nothing particularly aggressive, though some that was just plain stupid.


New member
Stupidity and lack of common sense is on the rise, hang around another
30 years with our present population growth it should be a hoot. :rolleyes:


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If I see people waiting for my spot, I purposely take my time. I know, its not fair to the people stuck behind them. The only time waiting for a spot is acceptable is when the reverse lights are on.
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