Any out there shoot golf?


New member
The long distance record for shooting a golf ball is 551 yards, according to Wikipedia.

Here are 2 of 5 golf balls shot 32 yards past that (583 yards). Each golf ball is ~ 1.68" in diameter, using an M107A1 driver, and APIT tee.


Anyone else shoot golf balls?


New member
Prefer to shoot one rather than hit one !!!

Anyone else shoot golf balls?
Have but not for a long time. I often say that I'd rather shoot a golf ball, than hit one. Even with a .22LR, they really fly. ....... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
I've got a collection of them waiting to do just that. (No world records for me though)

I say impressive shot.


New member
JWT noted the indelicacy of the flavor when he noted:
Quit shooting them when I found out how bad they taste.

Have you tried tenderizing then boiling them in pig fat for 3 days?


New member
I like reactive targets and I have a lot of fun shooting golf balls. . When we head to the desert we will take a bunch of steel targets, plastic jugs filled with water, empty dog food cans, and golf balls. Nothing but fun. When we are done the big trash bags come out and we pick up all our trash. I have a spot out in the Utah desert that I have shooting at for well over 30 years. It is an out of the way place, and not much traffic. You would be hard pressed to find any trash left behind. I hate trash left behind by shooters.


New member
I use the space gun for shooting golf.
(The scope is a joke. Not metaphorically -- literally added for comedic value.)

Though, mine balls start out in the rifle, rather than as a target.

Good balls will go about 450 yards with Atlantic Wall 'golf ball launcher' blanks, no headwind, and the launcher oriented for backspin.



New member
No golf balls but I routinely shoot egg sized rocks left during the last Ice Age floods at eighty to 100 yards. Lotsa fun off of my portable bench with an AR Carbine or my Ruger Ranch American in 300 BO. Better yet is shooting them off hand with a red dot, usually a Bushnell TRS 25 or Vortex.
One of the targets I sometimes set up is a free standing frame with golf balls suspended on string, just depends on how many balls my friend is able to find in the yard of his golf course home.