Any other Nodakers here?


New member
Ah who cares about admitting it, here in ND for a bit longer. From a 2nd A view a good state, much better than some like Kali, front range Colo, etc. Although speedloaders don't exist in stores in this part of ND. Actually, somebody ought to open a firearms center out near the TR reserve. Good country and good symbolism.


New member
Hell Yes!!!! I've been living in Hatton for about 25 years now and love it!! Proud to be from North Dakota!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


New member
north dakota

Had a friend who spent some time in Minot. Told me one year they got lucky, summer came on a weekend...


New member
Never been there, but I work with a couple of guys from ND. One's from Blue Lip, the other's from just down the road in Brrrrr. ;)
Don't live there,live in MN,but traveled there many times on my job.
Nice country but it would be nice if you guys actually had a highway dept. in the nighttime during winter!!!! LOL
I think I could count the state DOT trucks I have seen when the roads were icy and snowy at night on one finger from Fargo to Minot,Fargo to Pembina,Fargo to Bismarck......But I couldn't begin to count the wrecked cars and trucks in the ditch.
I dread going into ND during winter at night especially.
Iowa is another, especially north of Des moines on 35.....The DOT waits until there is about 100 cars and trucks in the ditch before they even come out at night.


New member
:) Hi all.Been lurking here for a few weeks.Looks like the Dakota bashing has started.Let me tell you what,as a transplanted New Englander I would not trade ND for ANY state in the Union.Dynamite could not get me out.Yes winter is a little harsh but no place is perfect.Besides my family owns a piece of I-29 up by Hillsboro where my son-in-law contributed to the highway fund via speeding ticket.Love my state.Best to all,Scarborough.

Dakota Law Dog

New member
Good to see some others admit it!

Jeff, I'm from Hillsboro!

And Scarborough, I wonder if it was me your son in law met, or a state trooper, as I'm a deputy Sheriff in Traill County!

Jeff, you ever shoot at the Valley Sportsmen range west of Buxton?

Winters are a little ruff at times, but I'll tell you, summers can be too. Last Tues nite (actually Wed. morn between 1 and 2) we had one hell of a storm destroy Hillsboro. Straight line winds of 125 + mph (really!) that destroyed over 2400 trees, took down signs, grain silos (huge bins!) roofs, the steeple off a rural church, and too many more things to mention. That, my friends, was a hell of a long night! Power went off, didn't come on at my house till 6:30 pm wed nite. Got a generator though, saved my freezer.

Oh, and to the none Nodakers? The temps have been in the upper 90s for weeks, 100% humidity, till after the storm. Much better now, daytime highs in the mid to upper 70s.

Lots of open spaces, and places to shoot though. Yup, overall, a great place to live, cept for Dorgan, Conrad, and Pomeroy. (our illustrius senators and rep, known by a local conservative talk show host as "Team North Dakota". Bigtime Klintoon supporters)


New member
:D Dakota Law Dog- Yes the range at Buxton is the one I use!! I haven't been there this year, but still plan to!

Dakota Law Dog

New member
email me, Jeff. What's yer last name?

I know Leroy Olson, from up there. He's started shootin' Cowboy action with us. We, being the loosely form group known as the Goose River Gun Fighters. We've had two Cowboy shoots there this year, and one last year. Our July shoot there is known as "Middle of Traill". Catchy, ain't it?

You may know me, I'm one of the deputies for the Traill County Sheriff's Dept.

Nice weather we've been having, ain't it?


New member
:) Hi Lawdog.Might have been you that got my son-in-law as it wasn't HP.He is a Cahadian if that rings any bells.We all shoot IDPA up in E.Grandforks.Jim from U.S.Marshals office is big kahoona at our matches.Do not want to give his last name on open forum but I,m assuming you know him.That storm was the pits,went through town on the way to GF yesterday.Glad you are all o.k. now .Adios,Scarborough


New member
I spent 3 years (76-79) at Grand Forks AFB working the missile sites. I was in electronics maintenance and repair, mostly for the security system. I then migrated to NDSU in Fargo to get my engineering degree (I was in early enough to get the real GI Bill, but just barely). I am originally from Willmar, MN. I am planning on a duck hunting trip this fall with my dad. I did some hunting in ND when I was in the Air Force. Great state for that. We will probably try for ducks around the Lakota area.

Winters could be tough, but being from Minnesota, I was somewhat used to it. Some of those trips to the silos in the winter were very interesting, especially on the back roads.

Anyway, I did like the state, but I grew up on a lake in Minnesota and am a water addict. ND is a little short in that area, although the Missouri river and its lakes (Sakakawea, Oahe) sure are nice.

I did date a very foxy woman from Grand Forks when I was stationed there. Didn't work out, although when I left, we were still good friends. She even went to Daytona Beach with me on spring break one time while I was going to college. There were some nice, good looking women there, but as a "Baser" the odds were stacked against you. I don't know how I got so lucky.

I know a Jim and Mary Lilleberg that live in Hillsboro. They are transplants from the Willmar/Atwater area. I hope you folks can recover from the storm that passed through. Sounds like Grand Forks got hit as well, like they need any more disasters.


New member
Hillsboro? Hey, DLD, I've been there. A long time ago, in a lifetime far away, I built a small building for Williams Pipeline. Just a dinky little thing over some pumping and metering equipment.

I'd have to guess it was in 1980, or so. This was the first time I've ever been in a thunderstorm with snow, instead of rain! Big wet, sticky snowflakes falling, so heavy we could barely see our hands in front of our faces. Lightning and thunder all around. Weird, but then, it *was* in North Dakota...

I'm not far away, though, in Minnesota.


Dakota Law Dog

New member
I know Jim and Mary too.

I've been deer hunting by Lakota and Petersburg the last couple of years, but I'm hunting around home this year. I've seen a crap load of nice bucks in the last couple of weeks, still in velvet.

I know the Marshall Jim you're referring too. Good friend of mine, I shoot cowboy with him. He's a real good shooter. You mention me to him, he'll know me.

Are you shooting the IDPA this weekend? I'm still waiting to here if I have the weekend off to shoot the cowboy match on sunday.

Yup, I'm familiar with the Williams pipeline stuff too. Is your building by the Goose River here in HIllsboro?


New member
Good morning.A beautiful day in the neighborhood,that is if you are blessed by living here in North Dakota.To all the rest of you-tough luck.Just kiding of course.Anyway Lawdog to answer your question I do not think I can get to this match as we have a large contingent of family and friends coming down from Canada for granddaughters birthday party.If we can get up there just listen carefully and when you here A! at the front of every statementyou will have found us.Have a good day all.Scarborough


New member

I haven't the foggiest idea where the building is, any more. This was the only time I was in Hillsboro, and we finished the project in two days. I vaguely recall an A-Frame type structure at the motel where we overnighted, but that's about all. Except for getting lost with the boom truck, while avoiding the weigh station in Fargo...



New member
Minot AFB 70-71. Oldest daughter in NoDaker.
Best fishing and duck hunting ever. Followed Base General to Fairchild AFB, WA. It was his (our) B-52s that went against North V.N.. What a waste as they went in same time, altitude and coordinates each day. The general was pissed and lost promotion because he expressed his anger at wasteful use of men and material. :(