Any opinion on the Springfield XD?

I have one of these pistols and I think its great. It fits my hand, the grip angle is nice, its accurate, 100% reliable, and looks pretty good too. For the money, I think its one of the best service size auto's out there.:D


New member
You say it's 100% reliable. How many rounds do you have through it? How many of hollowpoints?

Just checking, i'm not arguing with you, I have an XD9 and was thinking of getting one in.40 because the recoil is so comfortable.
Springfield XD

I've got about 350 rds through my XD 40, mostly full metal jacket. Its been 100%. I'm sure it will feed hollowpoints with the same reliability. Its a great pistol.


New member
a buddy of mine has the xd-9 and it is a great shoot. just barely bought it though. he hasnt even put 300 rounds through it. but im going to get his ass to the range with it more.


New member
I have over 1000 rounds through my xd-9 over the last 2 weeks and not a single problem. Half and half FMJ and JHP ( i use the hydrashocks)
And i agree, I think it is an awesome gun for the money


New member
I'll chime in. I have an XD-9, I have lost count as to how many rounds I have fired through it...over 10,000 in am positive. I had ONE fail to eject and that was immediately after I had changed out to a Don's Guide rod and went with a #22 recoil spring. Have had no issues since. Great gun! This gun is insanely accurate...went to the range with a buddy a few weeks ago, I rapid fired 16 rounds @ 15yrds into the 3" (I did have 2 flyers)...all he said was..."Dude, that's SIC!"

d moore

New member
I enjoy shooting both my XD9 and my XD45 acp. I have about 500 rnds through the 9mm and 200 through the .45. They both are extremely accurate and feel very good in my hand. Excellent guns!


New member
I have about 400 rounds through my 3" xd and no malfunctions what so ever. My 4" xd has ad 2 malfunctions that was ammo related and I have fired close to 3,000 rounds through it. Plus I bought it used and there is no telling how many rounds were fired through it before I got it.


New member
I bought one Friday. (XD9) I had never really thought about a Springfield, othe than maybe getting one of their 1911's, until the clerk put this one in my hand. It's one of the best feeling guns I've ever held.

I took it to the range and put 125 rounds of FMJ, and HP through it, without a bobble. My groups were getting tighter as I got used to the sights.

I guess it's too early to say it's a "great" gun, but so far I'm pretty impressed with it.

The only grip I had was that with a 15 round magazine, I sure did run through some ammo fast. :D


New member

i know ive shot over 15000 thousand rounds thru mine since i bought one when springfield took it over and the only gripe i got about it is i cant afford feeding this handgun ammo. it loves it:)


New member
A friend of mine bought the new 45acp this past week. It shoots like a dream. I am thinking about getting one in the 357 sig.


New member
I own an XD9 and an XD357 Sig. They are fine weapons, and I highly recommend them. While they aren't my favorite handguns in the world, I can see their virtues and can see why they have such a strong following. Count me in as a fan.


New member
They're better than the overpriced and overrated Glock.

You have your opinion and I have mine. I handled a couple XDs, settled on a Glock 20, admittedly more initially for the cartridge than the pistol. Now I love my Glock and will be getting a 19 or 30 for CCW ASAP. It is simple, reliable, and far more comfortable to shoot than it should be with a cartridge of its class. IMO, the best way to ruin a Glock is to take away its superb Tennifer metal treatment--as hard as diamonds and more corrosion resistant than stainless steel--then take away its low bore axis and short trigger reset, and finally, botch it's simplicity by adding another useless safety, making it more complex in the process--basically the best way to ruin a Glock is to turn it into an XD :eek:


New member
I am for the most person a GLOCK person, but I did purchase a XD9 subcompact for my Dad for Christmas, and I really liked it a lot. Shot great, good trigger, a very good overall pistol. But, I still stand by the GLOCK 19 as my "if I could only have one handgun gun." That said, I will probaly get an
XD9 Tactical for myself one day. The XD's are DEFINITELY good pistols for the money.
I dont think the grip safety on the XD slows me down one bit. You have to have a firm grip on the gun to fire it anyway, doesn't make much difference. If your hold on the XD loose and sloppy, it may not fire, I wouldn't want it too with a loose grip, hence the grip safety. Granted, the finish on the XD is not as durable as the Glock, but I dont intend on dropping mine in creek beds, or leaving it out in the open in a rainstorm.:p Truth be told, my hiking gun will be my tracker 357 mag in stainless steel. For the $150 I saved over Glock, I'm thrilled with my XD.:p


New member
8500 rounds and counting. No malfunctions. 1200 rounds straight, without cleaning or lube, in that number.

Thoracic Park

New member
I bought an XD45acp last week. So far i've put 400rnds of Glaser and 60rnds of Speer Gold Dot 250gr downrange. No FTF. Very accurate( i'm fairly new to handguns) and recoil is very manageable(compared to my XD40).



New member
Yep, one of the best srevice pistols ever. I have been carrying the XD 357 for 1.5 years now, and it has worked every time. The only complaint is the finish is weak. Have the slide refinished and it may well be the best pistol avaible. I give the XD series an A+.