Any of y'all have Canadian shootin' buddies?


Moderator Emeritus
Thanks for posting this. I've forwarded it to a few buddies North of the Border.

BTW, did you notice that the effective date of this law is Feb. 19, but the press release is dated Feb. 21?

Our government in action. :rolleyes:


New member
I've read the release. What a bother. And as usual, it
accomplishes nothing for safety. I especially like how a
visitor can bring in as much ammo as he wants from Canada,
but can't buy any additional ammo while he's in the US.

If I have enough security clearance to bring in 2000 rounds,
why does the extra 20 I buy at Wal-Mart constitute a hazard?

And if I read it correctly, I can still buy unlimited accessories,
magazines, and reloading components, just no 'ammunition'.

I occasionally go across to Vermont, but not for IPSC or
hunting; I may have to start, just because the bureaucrats
don't want me to! :mad:


El Rojo

New member
I am no fan of Canada! This has nothing really to do with the post and mainly to do with the Canadians Olympics performance. First, big deal, the Canadians didn't pay the French judge as much as the Russians. They LOST! A second set of Gold Medals? Did anyone else see that as leftist "everyone deserves to win" propaganda? Sorry, you lost. It isn't fair, you might have deserved it, but you still lost. No gold for you. Then left and right you start seeing this Canadian bias because they were so wronged. Next thing you know, everyone is whining it is rigged when they don't win. Whose fault is this? That is right, the Canadians! The final straw was when they won the Hockey Golds. How they cheated on that? I am not quite sure yet, but when I find out I will let you know. I am sure it was a payoff! ;)

To conclude. Screw Canada!

Rant over.

In all seriousness, I do appreciate the majority of Canadians telling the government to screw itself on that whole gun registration scheme. That was respectable in every form. I still think they paid off the officials in hockey though! :D Sorry, I might get over it by 2006.

Oh one more reason I don't like Canadians. Can they own AR-15s? If so, screw them! I live in the PRK and I can't. I think their hockey players used steriods by the way and that is the only reason they won. :rolleyes:

Sorry it is late. Please no one take me serious and start harping on me about being a nationalist and disliking our northern neighbors. It is all in jest. I am sure they can say some mean things about the comrades of the PRK. Yeah yeah I know. I need to move, but this place is so nice minus LA and SF.


New member
So one bunch of millionaires beat another bunch of
millionaires playing a child's game. Sorry, didn't mean
to ruin your week.:)

To answer, yes Canadians can own AR's in any configuration;
folding stocks, flash suppressors, 11 inch barrels, whatever
you want except full-auto. The problem is the 5-round
magazine limit, and this was retroactive, unlike California's.
If you had a 30-rounder when they banned 'em, too bad,
you weld, plug, or destroy them. Also, the AR-15 is classed
as a 'Restricted' firearm, which basically holds the same
type of restriction as an NFA firearm would in the states --
special permits, and you can only use it for range work, no
hunting. Which is why the Mini-14 and M96 are more
practical carbines to use up here, you can plink and hunt
varmints with them.


El Rojo

New member
5 round limit! That is insane! I don't know what is better. I would think it might be better to have the rifle than no rifle at all. Simply store your pre 5 rounders out of sight.

Speaking of the laws, I like the PRK law about nothing over 10 rounds. It is so unenforcable. For example, all one has to do is go to a neighboring state, buy the mags, and then return home with them. Someone stops you or finds them later on. You respond, "I have had those forever. I bought them at a gun show in 1985." "Excuse me El Rojo, you were 8 in 1985." "Yeah, I know. Is there something illegal about me having so much foresight that I knew I would eventually buy an M1A in 1998 and would need these magazine now?" "I guess not. Have a good day."

:barf: on Canada! ;) Sorry, I am still not over it....

Brian Gibbons

New member
MikeCAN was correct ...

about the Canadian gun laws but forgot to mention that a ten round magazine is permitted on a few rifles. A .303 Lee Enfield can have a ten round mag if it is an authentic military model and any rifle that "was designed to use a pistol magazine for a pistol which is commonly available in Canada". ( eg Ruger PC9). I shoot a Mini 14, and yes it is true that we are permitted folders, flash supressors, bayonet lugs and the works, but I heard a nasty rumour from a reliable source that the ATF will be resticting the export of Mini 14's in the near future. Anyone who can find us some verification on this rumour gets a free gold medal. ( We've got plenty to spare up here ... )

El Rojo

New member
Yeah nice feeble attempt to rub it in Brian. I got bad news for you. Go to and notice the medal count.

USA Gold 10 Silver 13 Bronze 11 total 34

Canada Gold 6 Silver 3 Bronze 8 Total 17

We have 5 more gold's than you! What you say it is only 4? Well we aren't counting the medal that was somehow split in two from the Russians!!! Ha ha ha ha. Showed you.

Build a new Berlin Wall in the north! Arm the border the terrorists like to exploit! Forget Canada!