Any members of the 50-100-150 Club here?


New member
You know what I mean. I took inventory the other day to get my records up to date and with a view to some photography and eventually some historical displays and realized I had joined the 150 Club. I've been collecting since 1967 so it wasn't an overnight thing. I inherited nothing, acquired them all on my own. I never set out to join the 50-100-150 Club but it was one of those things that "just happened". If I had the space I'd collect old English Bicycles, I like them too, but my living space is not like Dr. Who's TARDIS. Some get shot more than others and many-most of my milsurps-I have never fired at all. Curiously enough next to 22LR the caliber I have the most of is 303 British-10 vs 9 in 30-06, and two of those are sporters. I have sold or traded only 6 firearms over the years, and I regret parting with 3 of them but I was an impoverished student at the time.
No real details are necessary, but let's hear from other member of "The Club".


New member
I know I'm not a member because I never heard of it and don't even know what you're talking about.

I wish you all the best however. Congratulations!

So what is the 50-100-150 club?


New member
50-100-150 Club?

Guess that is the number of guns you have in your inventory? Wow, I don't even make the 50 club! Close, but still can't make the club yet.


I've been a member of the 10 Club a three times including right now. Everytime I sell something that takes me back to 9 for a while.

It's not that there's anything special about 10, or being below 10, or above 10, or anything else, it's just that I keep refining my collection and often after buying something new I realize I don't have all that much use for something I've had for a while.

Right now only 5 of those 10 are definetely what I'd call "never sell". I mean, I'd sell them if I desperately needed cash for a medical emergency or ransom or something along those lines, but otherwise never. I just keep buying and shooting what appeals to me and experimenting around to refine my "never sell" to total ratio.

To me, it's about quality more than quantity, and I lack both the funds and the disposition to hoard guns I'm not enjoying and shooting.


New member
I'm a member of the 11 club. I took a number of years off from shooting, and only got back into it within the last couple years.

Some day I'd be honored to be a member of the 50 club. A man can dream. :)

Tucker 1371

New member
I'm a member of the 4 Club... saving up for a Smith 686 SSR so I can join the 5 Club.

For a second I thought you were talking about the age of your rifles, i.e. 50 would be something around the age of a Garand and 150 would be something from the Civil War.


New member
Any members of the 50-100-150 Club here? yes

Any members of the 50-100-150 Club here?

well add it up 50+100+150= 300, well lets just say you need to keep collecting to catch up:eek:


New member
That seemed kinda snarky...

Anywho...I am in my early thirties and have 22 under lock and key. My plan is to purchase two a year.

One left to go this year and it will be a 1911 of some type. Next year an AR-10 style and a mid-high grade bolt action. I haven't decided the caliber yet.

Not even close to the 50 yet. I have to spend some more time at estate sales of those who were in the 150 club before I get there. Maybe that wasn't an appropriate response, but it is my plan.


New member
Sad to report that I have fewer guns than the number of years old that I am.

I had hoped to alleviate that issue, but somehow it has not happened.


New member
not quite halfway to the 50 club...nowhere near the 300 one, wow!! 22 is the number i own, 24 is the number in the house counting my issued sidearm and an old .22 i'm hanging onto for a b-i-l.


New member
Past the 50 point and somewhat confused. I realised the other day that I am up to my ears in 30-06's and .223's. I thought it odd that being a varmint shooter- I've never had a 25-06, .260, .22-250. I've also never had a .410, 20ga, 28ga, .30-40, .44-40, or any of the big effilant killers. I'm in the neighborhood of keeping up with 21 or 22 different chamberings and ammo... it's getting to the point that I'm having difficulty finding room to sit down to eat or anything else. Guess if I got rid of my couch or TV then I could get another safe...

Uncle Billy

New member
Yeah, I belong to the 50-100-150 club:

At least 50 pounds overweight;

100 the minimum amount of dollars I spend compulsively "on impulse" during every visit to a gun shop, no matter how hard I try to just get what I came for;

150 the minimum number of primers that roll under the bench every time I pick up the boxes and they slide open.


New member
Nowhere close. I only own what I need. I don't want to have to hunt for calibers for rifles/handguns/shotguns an more than I already do so I stick with a common sense "collection."


New member
I wish

Just hit the 25 club and everyone thinks I'm crazy. 300 and my family and friends would probably try to send me to the puzzle factory!!