Any lefty shoot right handed bolts?


New member
So I'm fairly disappointed in the lack of support for left handed bolt action rifles. I understand my segment of the population is very small, so demand is low. It just sucks that neat, affordable (aka cheap) rifle/scope combos like the Mossberg 4x4 or some of the Savages aren't available left handed. Or if they are available, like some of the Savages, they don't have detachable box mags (just a preference I have right now).

I have shot right handed rifles in my lefty pose from a bench. I actually prefer it, since I don't have to move my trigger hand from the bench. I've shot a Remington 700 and old Model 40 like this and didn't hate it. But I'm afraid I'll be unhappy with this combination in the field. I'm not sure if this will be a burden when I start hunting in a year or two, having to lower the rifle and chamber a follow up shot with my forward hand.

How say you, fellow lefty's? Will I kick myself for buying a right handed bolt, or will I adjust accordingly and never miss it? First rifle given to me was a .22 Marlin with a right handed bolt (thanks gramps :rolleyes:) but I'm not hunting and needing quick follow up shots with it...


New member
I had a friend agonize w/ this decision for quite a while. He finally heard me and bought a nice lefty 7mm. for the price, for the value, for the quality, there is only one choice in my mind for you..Tikka has a nice line of lefty rifles. Prices are very comparable to Savage and IMHO..a better rifle.


New member
I noticed a very few who reach over and action the bolt with the left hand.
You can train yourself to fire right handed like I did but your natural tendendancy will always to be to shoot left handed. On a positive note. It is very possible to shoot right handed. I shoot better right handed. Get the mechanics down with a .22 rifle and practice alot.


New member
My buddy is technically left handed, but out-shoots me with either hand :eek:. He runs his bolt with his right hand and is as fast as anyone with a follow-up. Not that he really ever needs it...

His dad made him learn both ways, so he has years and years of practice.


New member
Every bolt rilfe I have is right handed and I have hunted several years with them. At one point I started to sell some of them and try a few lefty rifles but never did. It would probably seem odd to me working the bolt with my left hand. The strange thing about it is I shoot a pistol right handed and my right hand is alot stronger. I even write right handed. Don't ask me how I started shooting long guns left handed, but I am left eye dominant and that might be why. Last year I bought a Remington 700 XCR in 30.06 at a good deal and almost waited because I thought they might make a lefty version. Well I'LL be a son of a gun, Remington came out with a Model 700 XCR left hand rifle this year. Guess I'LL just keep shooting the right handed rifles for know. Left handed versions cost more and would be harder to sale.


New member
How say you, fellow lefty's? Will I kick myself for buying a right handed bolt, or will I adjust accordingly and never miss it? First rifle given to me was a .22 Marlin with a right handed bolt (thanks gramps ) but I'm not hunting and needing quick follow up shots with it...

I'm totally left handed. Shooting my "right handed" guns has never bothered me and as you have, I've pretty much adapted to a right handed world (except for my left handed guitars). For years I even shot and hunted with a right handed bolt action. To chamber a new round, I dropped the rifle from my left shoulder and worked the bolt left handed.

Finally I stumbled across a left handed Savage 7mm Rem Mag and bought it on sight. It is night and day. I will never hunt with a right handed bolt again. Working the action is finally "right" and natural.

If I were you, I wouldn't pass up the chance to buy a left handed bolt. You won't regret it and you'll really notice the difference in the field where follow up shots count.


New member
Left Handed

How about this one?? Tom.



Have to disagree...

"You can train yourself to fire right handed like I did but your natural tendendancy will always to be to shoot left handed."

Have to disagree, it depends on the person...

I am left handed and deliberately forced myself to shoot right handed.

Have absolutely NO TENDENCY to shoot left handed.

In fact, I have a very hard time shooting anything left handed including my back-up S&W 342 which I ONLY shoot left handed.


Stagger Lee

New member
I am left-handed, and I shoot bolt-action Springfield rifles in CMP matches routinely, just be reaching over the rifle to work the bolt. It's really not that big of a deal, and I got so used to shooting right-handed bolt rifles that way that when I actually went out and bought my first left-handed bolt, it was weird and awkward to shoot.


New member
The weirdest thing I ever saw was my right handed, left eyed buddy shoulder the rifle to his right shoulder, and sight through the scope with his left eye. He had to damn near squish his nose into the stock.

I showed him how to hold the rifle left handed, but he said it felt unnatural.



New member
shot left handed for 25 years but got tired of reaching over and could not shoot a thumb hole,so I learned how to shoot right handed and it was the best decision that I made. Much quicker follow up shots on vermin.


New member
I've adapted to shooting right-handed bolts left-handed and cycling the bolt by canting the rifle to the left and reaching over cycling the bolt with my left hand.

However, most were loaners. After shooting a true lefty bolt, I'll never spend money on a right-handed rifle for myself.

I have two Chuck Daly LH Mausers I'm getting built (I'd like to find another one or even a finished rifle) and I'm going Tikka and scope shopping tomorrow.


New member
I have a Swede sporterized mauser that I shoot and use sometimes for antelope hunting. Otherwise my bolts are all lefty's. I've never had a particular problem getting what I want, but bear in mind, 3/4's of my rifles are lever actions, which I absolutely love. Way more than I need, but I pick out what I'll use for the hunting season and conditions and practice with them. Gotta Rem7600 and Contender pistol as well. A good rounded variety, I love em all. Steve, I just love my LH Tikka 30-06, more than my LH Abolt 30-06. But they both shoot really well.


New member
I've got a Mosin Nagant and a Lee Enfield. I shoot both left handed. Granted, I almost always shoot prone or supported.I bring my arm over the top of the buttstock, its awkward to watch, but I'm pretty good at it.

When I shoot standing,

I move my left hand forward while supporting with my right.
Run the bolt with my right hand while left hand supports.
swap my hands back to original position.

Coordination: I has it!

Its slow, but if I wanted to shoot fast I'd break out a lever action or a Semi.
uhhh I am no genius when it comes to this but I thought hand was irrelevant. I thought your choice depended on dominant eye. I knew one right handed shooter who had dominant left eye and shot left handed. He was on a college rifle team. I thought it totally depended on your eye.

JP Sarte

New member
I am a left handed shooter with all long guns but I shoot right handed with handguns. Never been able to explain it. I have just dealt with it over the years. I either reach over with my left hand to work the bolt or I drop the gun down, work the bolt with my right hand, and re-shoulder it.

I am so used to it now that I wouldn't know how to shoot any other way. I have never bought a left handed long gun. Although I don't sell guns as a general rule it does make it easier when I do. More righty's than lefty's.



I'm right handed but left eye dominant so I shoot left handed. All of my rifles except one muzzle loader are designed for right eye dominate shooters. I guess that I'm so used to the standard "right handed" rifle that to me the lefty versions look strange and I want nothing to do with them. I believe that the Hunting Gods have smiled down on me because follow up shots have never been an issue. It works for me.


New member
Im a lefty

I have shot righthanded rifles my whole life. Calibers range from .22 rimfire to .300 magmums. Using the action has never been a problem. The only downer for me is not being able to use the cheek pieces on my winchester model 70 and my weatherby. In saying that ill always shoot right handed rifles just used to it. Make that first shot count too, placement is the key. The follow up shot will come quick enough if need be:)
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New member
My brother is right handed but shoots left handed. He can't stand using left handed guns. Talk about odd it is funny to see him shoot and hear him complain when a shooting buddy who is fully left handed lets him shoot his rifles.