Any Info on P99 MI5 007 edition?


New member
Anyone have any pictures, specs, prices on the Walther P99 007 edition. I havent been able to find anything on the web about this gun. I just bought a P99 "commemorative for 2000" edition and love it. My gun dealer said He had a 007 edition when i bought mine and thought I might like it too. I just put in my order for another 9mm P99, this time in QPQ and I might just get a Military and P22 to complete the set. D@MN this one-gun-a-month law!!! Needless to say i have fallen in love with the little plastic Walther. leave it to 'ol Carl to make a plastic gun classy. I think my Glock is Jelous.


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New member
Came in a wood case, video as well.....I didn't buy it because it listed for $1050, and was selling for close to $1200 (they were rare).



New member
I thought it came with that fancy 6 watt Walther laser too. That would have justified the price a bit more. I got the video with my P-99 "limited" and it was only $750. I wish they had put a nice hardcover book , like the new History of Walther book with the guns instead of a VHS movie. I just thought it was a bit tacky. A DVD would have been a little more classy...but a nice leather bound book on Walthers, that would have nicely compleated the package.

No, I havent watched the Vid yet. Gotta dig out my VCR


New member
You may be hard pressed to find a 007 P99. And if you do find one, I wouldn't be surprised if they go for $5000 now. Why you ask? Because Walther had to get rid of them because of some Trade Mark violations with one of the companies that owns the 007 logo and trademark. From what I heard there were 1000 of them in the USA. Only 1/3 got sold before they had to take them off the market. So if you find one for cheap, get it right away.


Herr Walther

New member
I had the very first one imported into the US. I later sold it for other projects.

I had it for a little over a year and made $200 on the sale. With ten-round mags too.

It originally came with 16 rounders.

Mike H

New member
I think MI5 (Ministry of Intelligence section 5.) is internal security, Bond works for MI6 - Overseas intelligence.

Anyone know what his original Beretta model was, I know the PPK was in 7.65mm.

Mike H


New member
His .25 was the Beretta 950 (Jetfire I believe?). Not sure what it was called back then but thats what its called now.


New member
007 P99

I got one! And it isn't for sale! If I remember correctly there was 1000 imported and 40 of them were in .40 cal. All the rest was in 9mm. So the .40 is going to be the real rare one.
Mine came in a plastic case, not wood. The only thing that came with it was documentation direct from Walther and the test target.
All the accessories were extra at a substantial cost.
I'm a big JB fan and had to have one. It's in the safe and unfired .
If I remember I paid $1200. for mine with two 16 round mags.
Got mine from Earl's Repair Service in MA.