Any HP Mags That Don't Work?


New member
I was buying one or two HP mags from Midway whenever I could get them for about a dollar a round. I have several with different followers and some have smooth sides and some don't. Floorplates are different too. However, all work. I haven't tried any of the 10 rounders, don't see the point. The South African 17 rounders from CDNN work too although the springs are stiff. Have you found any 13/13 + rounders that don't work?


New member
Well, USA and Triple-K head the list of the world's worst mags, I'm still trying to figure out which one should be at the top! I've had problems with other brands, but not as often, or as bad as the above named brands! I've never been able to get a ProMag to function in either of my Keltec P11's, and I've sent them back several times! However, I've got a couple of ProMags that work fine in the HP. I also have three of the Western mags, that I notice are mentioned in the BHP Mag FAQ. None of mine are reliable, and I've considered lining a trash can with them, just can't bring myself to throw out something that I spent good money on! :D
Actually, I've got a USA Hi-Power mag and it does work semi-reliably (it feeds reliably but doesn't drop free - even with no disconnect and doesn't lock the slide back).

The worst thing about the USA Hi-Power mag isn't poor reliability but steel so soft you could spread it with a butter knife. I've got big chunks missing from the mag catch hole where the steel on the Hi-Power mag release has knocked away steel around the mag catch.

The baseplate is also missing chunks and there is a a flattened spot on the back of the mag where the slide is just beating the mag to death. I've been meaning to take pictures and add them to the FAQ but haven't been able to yet.


New member
Have you found any 13/13 + rounders that don't work?

I have tried USA, Triple K, Western, etc. They all worked.
I also have sold or thrown away all of them.
The question I ask myself is: Would I bet my life on this mag?

I think intended use should be considered. I consider my life worth the cost of quality mags.

Bob C

New member
USA and Ramline are problem magazines in my HP's, and in an FEG I had for a while. My Triple K's work fine.

My preference is for military 13 rounders, with the South African 17 rounders a close second.