Any handgun sabots out there?


New member
Particularly for 45acp?

Might be an amusing way to get some "speed" without changing barrels.

(BTW - if illegal then obviously they aren't "out there" and I will have nothing to do with them).



None for a 45 that I know of.7.62x25 can be saboted to 22.Helped on a experment saboting the 458 to 30 cal.The guy used a 50 cal sabot that he turned down to 45.Might work in 45 acp if you can get it short enough.


New member
Can you put a 30->22 sabot into a .30 Carbine cartridge? Then again, if you did that, could you shoot in in your .30 Carbine Blackhawk SA revolver, or would the cylinder gap snag the sabot?

So far as 45 sabots: have you checked to see if there are any sabots for .45 blackpowder muzzleloaders that might launch a .357 bullet?

Tom Matiska

New member
Twist rate limits the use of sabots. The 1-20" twist common in many 30 carbines is marginal for the lightest of 22 bullets. Your 45 probably has a 1-16" twist, and my 44 pistol has a 1-20" twist. Either twist will limit the choice of 30 cal bullets to short stubby "pistol" type bullets, which is where we were before the sabot.
