Any good gun magazines (books) still around?


New member
I like reading gun stuff on the pot. I used to subscribe to Guns & Ammo but it doesn't look like they're still around.
American Rifleman is pretty ....meh

Any suggestions for GENERAL gun mags?

I picked up a copy of American Handgunner but would like to find some more that aren't seemingly for combat stuff.



New member
Guns and Ammo is still in business, sometimes they send out special offers of one year for $6 or $7. GUNS magazine is IMO better than Guns and Ammo. Wolfe publishing has Rifle, Handloader and a few other magazines if you are looking for a narrower focus.
Guntest is one I belong to. While I do not agree with all their rating, I can find useful information on most guns, size, weight, trigger span, and general information. And a lot of guns from reviews from years ago. One magazine I do like now is from my Insurance USCCA and their Concealed Carry Magazine.


New member
At the beginning of every year, I renew my subscription to Shooting Times. I found it more informative then Guns and Ammo, however I may pick up a different magazine at a newsstand, if the cover has a firearm that interests me. Current price by subscription is $10.


New member

Here's some books if you've not read them:
-anything by Jack O'Conner, "the Hunting Rifle" is my favorite
-Cartridges of the World, older versions seem better to me
-Jeff Cooper, "the Art of the Rifle"
-Kris Kyle "American Gun"
-R.L. Wilson, "Ruger and His Guns" & "the Peacemakers" (both oversize coffe
table types, lots of pics


New member
For magazines I still like Combat Handguns.

For books, I suggest Straight Talk On Armed Defense, edited my Massad Ayoob. This book has articles by many authors who are well-known in the field. Their work deserves a reading and a re-reading.


New member
You asked for books.....William Reichenbach’s. ‘Sixguns & bullseyes’ and ‘Automatic Pistols”/
both quite old perhaps the 1930’s. but very solid information,,,he goes into detail in a very folksy way,,, Not a slam bam quick fix books,,, but good lessons to be learned.


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Wayne Van Zwoll has some great books on rifles, optics, and all things shooting and hunting. Met him at a sports show 20 years ago at a seminar on rifles and hunting he gave. A fine, personable, knowledgable man dedicated to the hunting/shooting world. His is always the first article I read when my Bugle comes out of the mailbox. Usually on the couch when reading/perusing a new periodical...