Any Glock 33 owners out there with accolades to share??


New member
I`m just lookin` for some feedback on others experiences with this fine piece...



New member
I'm a Glock 33 owner. Also have an aftermarket .40 barrel for it. Some folks complain about the recoil, but that's not an issue for me. Sure the recoil is sharp, but it's not unmanageable. Some increase in noise and muzzle blast over a .40, but I don't consider that a negative.

What I really like about my 33 is that it is very accurate, and an excellent balance of size, weight, and power for carry. Also like the fact that rust wise I don't have to worry about it too much. Can you tell that I like my 33? :) :)

Regards - AZFred


New member
I love mine: I sold my .45, .357 mag, and 9 mm after I got it (no longer needed them). It's small, powerful, amazingly accurate, Glock-reliable, has never misfed (shoving a 9 mm pole in a 10 mm hole), and the recoil's fine. The Glock's polygonal "rifling" gives you a fair amount more velocity out of the short bbl (compared to, say, a Sig). (I got the 33 instead of the 32 because I don't like being ripped off on mag capacity.) The 33 is a nice size: small, but big enough. It's easy to control, even in relatively rapid fire.

Minor downsides: The muzzle blast is a little bright, and the concussion from the shots against your torso is similar to that of a .357 mag. More major downside: the thickness of the Glock's frame (thicker even than the reasonably thick slide) makes the gun most difficult to conceal IWB. It might be easier with a larger overall pistol, but the 33 looks like a tumor no matter what I do with it - and thus requires some sort of overshirt or jacket to cover the bulge. (When I tried it in the front with the PagerPal, the gals looked like they wanted to pay me a compliment!) I think (for me, anyway) that a shoulder-holster might be the only way to effectively conceal it, should I ever want to.


New member
Yeah, I`ve been thinking about both a G27 barrel for my G33, and a G32 barrel for my G23. ( G32`s are the middle sized .357 SIG Glock aren`t they???) Anyways, I hope you know what I`m talking about- 2 gun capabilities for BOTH models.. :D


Rainbow Six

New member
I love my G33...and my G32...and my G31...and my G31C! I'm pretty sure I'll love my G32C just as much, when I get it! :D

I only have one .40 left (a G22). Wish I could get a good trade in for it toward another G33 or G32/32C, or maybe a fourth generation G19 9MM. :)

The Glock freak formerly known as Chris...

Gary H

New member
Shooting Times "Gun Guide" tested fifteen factory loads with an average grouping of 4.13 inches (these were 10 round groups). I would say that is about where my 33 shoots from bench. Now, with the shorter barrel, I suspect that this is good enough for the job at hand.

My G21 is much more accurate, but it is much larger. My G21 is much easier to shoot quickly.

I guess that I'm one of those that needs to practice in order to get that recoil under control. Has anyone added aftermarket .357 barrels with compensators?

So, I like the 33, but I haven't mastered the control of this small pistol.


New member
I love my G33 and it loves me. I can consistently pop spray paint cans at 80 yards.
I have short fat fingers and no complaints about hanging on to the gun.

The only problem I have is: I can't afford to shoot it as much as I want to. (And my boss would like to see me at work for at least 8 hours per day.) ;)