Any Galil/Golani Owners?


New member
I'm interested in getting a Galil/Golani rifle and wanted hear peoples thoughts on them. I have a 20" AR and am considering trading it for a Galil. It seems that everyone has an AR or AK in th esafe, and I want something a little different than what everyone else has.



New member
I don't have one, but I wish I did. I would not get rid of your AR for one, but save up until you can get both. I think the main advantage to the AR the Galil would have is dependability and simplicity, accuracy at further ranges would go to the AR.


New member
I picked up a Golani a wile back. it has been a great shooter!
It came with two magazines, one of them was pretty beat up and would not feed reliably, since I bought it I have bought a bunch of Orlite mags for it.
Great little rifle, get one wile you can.



New member
Galil 5.56 NATO

Yes I own a Galil and had to get after many loops since Isreali imports are ban in PK. Well I must say it is a hideous rifle with darn excellent 10/10 for reliability. I really like it. It went to my collection room right away. The select fire is very nice.

Anyone interested in 5.56 rifle other than M16 should also look at Daewoo AR100. It's a semi version of Daewoo K2, made for civilians.

JP Sarte

New member
I don't own one but a few years back I shot one belonging to a friend. Maybe it's just me but I really didn't like it. I thought it felt weird.



New member
several months ago I bought a Golani Sporter from AIM when they were going for just under eight hundred dollars. Mine came with two really good magazines and no bayonet lug. The folding stock was loose and I neglected to send it back [within a reasonable time]. I ended up shimming the stock and will eventually pick up a wooden buttstock or another folder. I was able to find a wooden handguard (for sixty dollars to include shipping) to give it that Israeli Defense Force look I wanted. I really enjoy firing my "Galil" although it is heavy for a .223 firing platform. I tried a "clip on" scope mount, but that proved unsatisfactory and I got a refund on that. The more expensive top scope mount is most likely the route to go in that direction. Adam5, if you elect to buy a Golani Sporter (a Galil is expensive), buy one at a gun show where you can test the folding stock. I have found that a few have a slop in the hinge like mine. Get a good one that is tight in the fold. Do not waste your money on a cheap scope mount. Most of the ones out there are junk. The going rate on wooden handguards is over one hundred dollars. You can find them under seventy-five. I like my Galil and will keep it.

p.s. I also have a Daewoo AR-100 (with the clubfoot) and it is my go-to rifle.
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