Any Charles Daly ECS owners here?


New member
I really like the looks of a small 1911, but the CD guns don't get very high marks on

I am interested in a single stack, "pocket size" .45, but I don't want to spend $500+ right now.

Anybody here have any experience with the little CD guns?

Should I just wait unitil I can afford a Springfield or one of the other top end guns?


New member
I have one and I have been very happy with mine. The differences that I see between my Charles Daly's and my other 1911's are mainly cosmetic. The finish is not quite on par with Colt and Kimber, and I have found the occasional rough spot that needed some attentiion, but otherwise I am pleased. My ECS actually outshoots my Colt officers, and I tend to carry it alot.
Hope this helps.



New member
I just picked one up used. I love the fit and feel of the gun but I havent shot it yet.

So... I suppose I wasnt much help!


New member
I just bought an unfired previously owned one and took it out to the range yesterday.

It functioned well with chip MCcormick mags
With the 4 inch bull barrell I was getting about 3 1/2 inches at
15 yards. It was very comfortable to shoot.
Trigger is excellent and crisp.
The sights are big and easy to use but not much for target work.
The extended ambi safety is nice too.

Overall I like it alot. It's nice for a mass produced custom style
45 made in the phillipines

I just need to work on accuracy or new loads.


New member
Where are you located in TN? I live close to Chattanooga, and if you're around that area, I'd be glad to meet up with you and let you shoot mine. Just a thought.

Jimmy Mac

New member
The CD line of 1911 clones are better than they used to be. The first lot of them were junk.

The latest lot are better but they would have to be.

For what you have to pay for the latest CD pistols you can buy the cheaper grade of known good guns and you will have something that will be decent or even if it is not you have something to work with.

Detail strip a CD someday. You will understand.

They are not a good value in the long run.


New member
I've had an ECS for almost as long as they have been out. The factory magazines were not functioning properly. Got some CMC magazines, 100% reliability. Extremely accurate and the fit and finish are just as good as anything else I've seen. The prices of the one's I've seen around here are around $300 - $350.


New member
Thanks for the offer.
I'm about 30 min. north of Chattanooga.
If I've still got the Daly bug after the holidays, I'll give you a yell.
I bet you bought yours in GA, right?
I can't find anybody on this side of the line that carries them.