Any CA Walmart still Selling Rifles?


New member
I'll be back in Cali soon and I was wondering if there are anymore Walmarts in Northern California that still sells firearms. josh


New member
Check out The Sports Authority. When I still lived there, they had a pretty nice selection of both rifles and handguns.


New member
Nope. Not in the Vacaville area (right between SF and Sac). Sports Authority is a no, too, at least in this locale. Big 5 sells rifles and shotguns, though.


New member
Not anymore!!! I bought my rem597 through them couple of years and 4 weeks later after my purchase, I received a letter from their office saying that I need to go back to the store and fix some paper work.It was the CA. GUN LOCK thing and a week later I had to go back again to explain how I was able to pick up the gun a day earlier???I just followed the date that they put on but the good side to that is that they gave me a $20.00 certificate for each visit that a $40.00 deal for my time.....That was the last time I saw guns for sale at Wallmart & the rest is history......


New member
Walmart - indefinitley
Sports Authority/Mart- didnt know they ever sold firearms
Big 5- rarely have anything better than junk


New member
Thank you for all the information. I was hoping to get a deal on a push feed Model 70 or Vanguard for a new rifle project. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind supporting the locale traditional gun shops. But, hey, I may just get a deal from one of the genuine gun shops near Fairfield. Thanks again. josh


New member
Don't know how it is in Cali but here in Texas (at least the last time I checked) you could special order all sorts of guns.


New member
The walmart near where I live in rural Missouri still has them in stock. Anything from a .22 cricket to a .270 remington or Mossberg 12ga


Mtn Hawk

New member
Big 5- rarely have anything better than junk

I disagree. I just bought a nice Marlin .357 lever action from Big 5, and a Marlin 30-30 earlier this year. Both are quality firearms. I've seen several other rifles and shotguns made by reputable manufacturers.

I admire Big 5 because they are the only big chain store company (that I know of) that continues to sell firearms.


New member
I admire Big 5 because they are the only big chain store company (that I know of) that continues to sell firearms.

If that is the case then I will have to admire their dedication to the shooting public. I just hope I don't run into another anti gun sounding store clerk when I start asking questions about certain rifles and the paperwork. josh


New member
If that is the case then I will have to admire their dedication to the shooting public. I just hope I don't run into another anti gun sounding store clerk when I start asking questions about certain rifles and the paperwork. josh

Most of all the Big 5 employees that I have been in contact with don't really know anything about firearms.


New member
RL, I noticed that. Most of them are either part time workers/college students or just seeking extra income. Hey you never know I may apply for employment with them for that extra shooting expenses. :D The only thing I have against them is I seldom meet one that is a shooting enthusiast. It tends to sway me away from buying from then since their prices aren't any better than Walmart when firearms were sold there or the regular gun shops. josh