Any brits/aussies/kiwis with straight pull ARs?


New member
Any brits/aussies/kiwis with straight pull ARs?

I'd guess none of you Americans would bother with them, disregarding new/possible/upcoming etc laws you are fortunate to live in a gun friendly country compared to others.

I'd guess swapping uppers/barrels isn't as easy as with a real one?
Having it straight pull instead of real semi-auto would make for a more accurate rifle no?
Should work well even thou I am a lefthand shooter?
If I am reading correctly this should be perfectly legal for me as a swede and it is cheaper then a Blaser and potentially more fun:D
would get some looks but life is too short to be boring
Easier to suppress then a semi

if there is an option for quick barrel/upper swap I could see this being the only rifle I would need

some small pistol calibre for plinking and hunting varmint like badger
223 for fox and roedeer at a distance
308 or bigger for moose, beer and boar in different configurations

Anyone with experience?


New member
I don't have one but I've seen plenty and used one or two. Pretty much the standard for CSR matches now.
Barrels are much heavier and often free floating, without the need for a gas tube.
A variety of cocking handles have been used, some like the FAL one with a slot in the upper, some directly attached to the bolt carrier.
Separate uppers offer no advantage here, they would have to be registered like a complete rifle.


New member
Changing only the barrel? 458socom fits into the ar frame n mags, is the chamber the only difrence? Bolthead aswell i guess
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Metal god

New member
wow if you didn't know how the AR platform is supposed to work . Those would be pretty cool , but there not :( OK fine if it was all I could have I'd have 5 :) but still :rolleyes: How much do they cost over there ? Can you just put a normal upper on the lower or is there something stopping that from happening ?
Quite a few Brits use them and seem to be popular, I've never heard of Aussies having them, but us Kiwis can have one with a 7 round mag easily, and can get 30 round mag ones with the correct licence.

Can't offer any advice as I have no idea what your laws are, so don't know what I could advise.
But I can gloat a tad :D


New member
trg42wraglefragle just them me what you like/dislike about it.

I haven't really checked if I can get them but it should be no problem because it is just a bolt gun and we can have them, this is not the focus of the thread

we can't get military style semi-autos
If I could only get a straight pull AR I wouldn't bother, it sort of defeats the point really, and all you have is an expensive "pretend" AR15.

If you can't get Military style semi-autos, then there are other semi-autos they will do the job fine, which is what I'd go for if that was my options.

But like I said we can get a normal AR but it has to have a 7 round for it to come under our basic gun licence. They are probably 1.5 times as much as a bolt action but you can get new uppers relatively cheap.

I'm kind of glad that you have to get a different licence to be able to have full military configuration ARs as there are some gun owners out there who I wouldn't trust with an air rifle to be hunting with.


New member
Looks interesting. I am from New Zealand originally, but live in the U.S now. Well actually I was born in Aussie, grew up in NZ and have a U.S dad and a Kiwi mum.

Anyway it does look interesting, although I do not know if that is a weapon I would buy or not. I still have my old New Zealand firearm's license.
I was going to ask you how hard it was to move to the US, but having a US dad would've made it easier.

Bet it would've been a big culture change.

On stright pull ARs, I don't recall ever seeing one over here or hearing of them.
I've been on a few Aussie hunting/gun forums also, and never seen them mentioned either.

But on a UK based shooting forum, they are mentioned a bit and seem to be popular.


New member
I lumped you all together on a hunch, I know that yo aussies have some gunpolitics debate

maybe should have written Irish/scottish to or instead.

It is an interesting platform for my needs, The LEGO side to it:D

not that much more expensive then a bolt gun of quality

I like the large mag capacity just for fun shooting and perhaps some interesting competition opportunities, wouldn't need or use 30rounds for hunting

The ambidextrousness of it.

And straight pull is all I need


New member
If you can't get Military style semi-autos, then there are other semi-autos they will do the job fine, which is what I'd go for if that was my options.

Due to our laws there really aren't, we can't get semi-autos that even resemble military style guns, or ones that have a military background.

even the mini14 is banned

we have different ammo-classes reqiured for different game
class1 basically 6.5x55 and above for boar, moose, deer, bear etc
class2: .223 and below

and there aren't really any common civilian looking rifles in .223

Regardless there is no point in a semi-auto hunting rifle for me in .223 as the kind of hunting I do with a class2 rifle is stalking/sniping

Now for class 1, boar and such on a driven hunt, a semi would be great, have hunted some with a benelli argo in 9.3x62, would trust that rifle even bear hunting, but wold be okey with a straight pull to (if these ar15 were able to swap barrels/CALIBRE


New member
If I could only get a straight pull AR I wouldn't bother, it sort of defeats the point really, and all you have is an expensive "pretend" AR15.

Still a neat looking rifle, doesn't look like something grampa hunted with, it would rustle some feathers:D

and as i said, fun with large magazines
Im not sure how your laws would cope with just changing the upper reciever of the AR to a different calibre.

I'd assume you'd then have the joy of trying to find an upper in a larger caliber that was straight pull.


New member
shouldn't be of any major concern, barrel exchange boltguns are perfectly legal, The Blaser is really popular

but is the upper any different on the calibres that fits the ar-platform?
(the biggest being 458socom IIRC)

couldn't it be done with "just" screwing in a different barrel with a different chamber?

and swapping the bolt?

a complete upper with gassystem and so on is out of the question


New member
I know the rules refer to "anything that resembles" or some such, but here's a left handed straight pull "AR" that is in use on a cat B licence, and a single shot SLR, also a cat B firearm...


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