Any banks still offering Weatherby's for CD deposits?


New member
I can't find any info online about the banks that used to offer Weeatherby rifles instead of interest on CD deposits? I've Googled but I can't find any websites for the two banks I remember that used to do it. One was North Country bank in Michigan and the other was the Bank of Boulder.

Anybody have any recent info on banks still doing this? TIA for any help you can give.
I believe that the bank of Boulder was sold a number of years ago and underwent a name change.

I interviewed the owner and his son for an article in American Rifleman back in the 1990s. Nice people.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Unfortunately no. I bought a Browning 270 from them as they sold out the last of the gun inventory just before they disbanded the program. Its been awhile ago because I have since then cashed in my matured CD.


New member
Right now CD's are paying so little, a good gun would be a bargin..

How much money was required and for how long a period?