Any aftermarket parts for hi points?


New member
As I reported in a previous post my Hi Point carbine is a solid fairly accurate simple working mans carbine. My only bitch is the trigger is terrible. Anyone know of a company that makes triggers for these carbines? Without new parts ill be forced to fabricate my own new trigger group. I may do that anyway and if it happens ill post up what I did? Anybody have any interest in improved triggers for their carbines? If I'm making one I might as well make several.


New member
I've never even seen a reference to an aftermarket trigger for a Hi-Point. Good luck. Doubt that you'll find anything.


New member
found it.

I found aluminum cnc milled triggers for HP carbines on the HP forum website.
Whew just saved myself a lot of work. Now to polish up the rest of the parts till they are smooth as buttah.


New member
this one should work.
Trying to do this from my cell phone but I think this link will worky.
Its just a trigger and associated spring so you'll still have to polish the sear and arms to get a truly good trigger pull but its a start and it oughta fix the trigger biting your finger issue. When I get mine in ill post up how it went along with pics and instructions for installation.


New member
... I've got nothing against Hi-Points. They work and they've got great customer service but seriously why are you trying to polish fecal material?

You want a pistol caliber carbine with a better trigger? Get a Beretta or better yet get an AR based carbine and put in a Timney one piece.

Spending money and time on upgrading a Hi-Point is well... at least in my mind a wast of both resources.


New member
because i can

I make my living polishing ****s. If you could see some of the crap I get to work on you'd probably cry. However when I'm done the finished product goes back on the line and back in the air and I wont see it again for five years or so.
Military aircraft are absolutely NOT what the average civilian thinks they are. For every hour in the air some of them require 3-10 hours maintenance on the ground and every five years they get torn down, inspected, refurbished and back out they go.
Simple unpolished systems that work reliably every day in some of the most horrible conditions imaginable. If my crew and I can keep a B1 bomber fighting bad guys for the last 10 years.I bet we can work wonders with a Hi Point. :)

" You want a pistol calibercarbinewith a bettertrigger? Get a Beretta or better yet get an AR based carbine and put in a Timney one piece."

Speaking of fecal matter lets talk about gas impingement systems. Do you really want gasses and unburned powder forced back into your action? Can you fix it yourself if something breaks and or make your own replacement parts? What if it really is TEOTWASWKI and you don't have access to clean non -corrosive factory ammo?
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New member
Speaking of fecal matter lets talk about gas impingement systems. Do you really want gasses and unburned powder forced back into your action? Can you fix it yourself if something breaks and or make your own replacement parts? What if it really is TEOTWASWKI and you don't have access to clean non -corrosive factory ammo?

Hardehardeharharhar!! Now that's priceless. Probably not too bad for a guy who spends a lot of time polishing ****s, though!!:cool: How much corrosive 5.56/.223 ammo do you run accross?? I didn't think so!!! :rolleyes:


New member
OK lets say corrosion isn't an issue. Still : can you fix it yourself? Can you make new parts for it yourself?
Even though "non corrosive" ammo is very good ammo its still corrosive if you fail to remove all traces of sunburned powder from your weapon. Any foreign object or residue is a potential trap for moisture. Combine dissimilar metals like a steel barrel and aluminum lower receiver, (among many other parts) add a bit of condensation or humidity some leftover solvent and baddabing you've got corrosion setting in.

That's the main reason I like simple guns made for everyday use and carry. I have a wife and three kids to spend time with. My gun may be shot in the morning and sit until late evening before I get a chance to clean it. Maybe I'm just anal but I've seen little bits of corrosion ruin very expensive parts rather quickly. In my trade we just don't take those kind of chances. Yeah everything would probably be OK for years but with my luck it would break just when I really need it bad


New member
you cant take these guys too seriously

Many here believe that since you can purchase a Hi point 995 carbine for less than 200 dollars, it must be junk. Yet, I would bet you even money, that the very same people dogging on a Hi-Point, probably drive something that is not exactly a Mercedes either. Yet, it gets them from point A to point B. Just as a hi-point will get the job done for what a gun does. Is it pretty? Only to its mother. Does it work? Yup, every time you pull the trigger it goes bang.
Let's see some of the "pretty" carbines pull the abuse tests Hi-Points are routinely put through just to prove they are "as good as" the other guys.


New member
I'm not worried about it. :) . Shooting like racing is more about the participant than the equipment. Surely some cars/bikes are easier to drive fast than others but anything can be modified to suit the operator and at the finish line its usually more about driver than the car. Or as a wise old racer once said "posers talk equipment, pros talk training."
So given the same class of weapon / vehicle I may not win the competition but I'm usually in the group of front runners where victory is measured in fractions.
I appreciate everyone's opinion and I saved a boatload of cash on my El cheapo carbine, enough to buy thousands of rounds to mod and practice to my hearts content. Isn't that what freedom is all about? Pursue your own happiness my friends.


New member
I do not reload. Maybe yearsfrom now when kids are old enough I can trust them to leave bulk powder alone. My dad reloaded and boy the fun my brother and I had with his powders. Public forum isn't the place for those stories. :)


New member
"posers talk equipment, pros talk training."

That's true but the difference here is you don't see pro racers on the track with a souped up Ford Pinto vs. Indy cars.

Same goes for the pros and guns - you won't see many LEO, Military and even worse SF operators out there with a Hi-Point carbine...

You say you're in the Air Force, how many Hi-Point carbines do you see being issued? Did you get issued one or see any being issued in Basic?


New member
I'm not in the airforce I work for the airforce but the assumption is understandable.
Blowback operated guns have a long history with various military forces worldwide. I'd say the Thompson smg and Russian PPSH are but two great examples. Have a gun that works everytime is the first rule right? I am the weapon, any reliable gun will do the job.
I was also careful to limit my example to competitions between the same class of cars or guns so your pintos racing NASCAR example is ridiculous.
At least we did agree that the competitors are the critical difference.


New member
I bought one as a range toy,,,

Several of my range acquaintances have 9mm carbines,,,
Two Beretta's, One Kel-Tec, and one HK (I believe it is HK),,,
Anyways just so I could play with them I bought a HI-POINT 995TS.

When I bought the carbine I also bought 1,000 rounds of Federal from SGAMMO.

We generally shoot reactive targets at 50 yards,,,
I'm a mediocre shot but none of them hit better with their carbines.

I have shot that initial 1,000 rounds without one failure of any kind,,,
The Beretta's jam at least one round out of a hundred,,,
The Kel-Tec has jammed, just not as often,,,
The HK hasn't jammed to my knowledge.

I'm not saying my rifle is better because of this record,,,
But those three guys have stopped ragging me,,,
The performance of my carbine says it all.

Bring your high-dollar carbines out to play,,,
I'll shoot beside you all day long.

She may be ugly,,,
But she ain't to be slighted.




New member
You worry about TEOTWAWKI and you don't reload? Shocked I am. Hard to shock an old maintainer like me, but you young fellers are different.