Any A-bolt special varmint users out there?


New member
Hi all

I've ran across a Browning A-bolt II special varmint.
It has the BOSS and looks like a winner.
I couldn't find it on the Browning website, so I wonder if it has been discontinued.
At any rate, are there any experiences you would like to share regarding this gun?
Anyone got a an idea of what the street price should be on this thing?



New member
sharpsrifle, by "special varmint," do you mean the heavy barreled model with the laminate stock? If so, I had one. Bought it four or five years ago and sold it last year. It was a super-accurate gun. (I had it in .22-250). The rounds I put through it were handloads, so I was always playing with the powder charges. That's where the BOSS system became a pain, because I was trying to adjust for two variables. In the end I just left it at the reccomended setting and worked on fine-tuning my reloads.

I paid a bit over $700 for it, which was too much. I sold it, along with a Leupold Vari-X II 6.5x20 and Weaver rings for $950. In looking at the various auction sites, I haven't seen one advertised.

If this isn't the rifle you're talking about, never mind. ;)



New member

That's the one.
It is listed as a "A-Bolt II Varmint" in the Ron Shirk ad in SGN. They want 659.00
I guess I added the "special".

The one I'm looking at is matte blue, in .223 Rem (my favorite.)
My local dealer wants 650.00

I am also considering the Vari-X III 6.5 X 20.

Should be just the ticket to thin out the local ground squirrel population!

Thanks for the feedback.
All others welcome.



Get it...

I've used them in .308 win and .223 Rem. They are super accurate and fit me well. I really like the semi-palm swell in the stock.

I've seen them going for $600 about a year ago. $650 now is certainly not out of the question.



New member
I've got two myself. One in .223 and the other in .308. Now while I *can* see, quite easily since I, too, reload, where one would have a few `problems' with the BOSS. But, it need not be so. What I have done has been to pick several extremely `notably' accurate `commercial' loads and set the BOSS for them. Then depending upon the load I may want to `work up' I will set the BOSS for one of the `commercial' ones that would effectively be the closest to what I was `aiming for'. (Kinda nice having a `baseline'.) After I had `worked up' a load I liked I would then `play' with the BOSS and then record what I came up with for using in a similar fashion to the `commercial' loads. (Given just how many times one can `discover' a new bullet, powder, or whatever it kinda makes sense to be able to such `baselines' and any `extra' that helps in even the tinest bit is always appreciated on theis end. [And... Yep! I also have a couple `ballistics' programs I use quite a bit and am trying to decide between upgrading my Shooting Chrony BETA Master or getting an new Oehler with the `proof channel'. {WAN GRIN!}])

As for just what price to pay for an `experienced' one... I bought both of mine for just a tad over $600 NIB and haven't ever considered selling either one and so haven't `researched' a `used' price. Given how *I* feel, the condition of *my* A-bolts, *and* the `hysteria?' of the `market' these days *I* *wouldn't* consider letting go of either of mine for less than $650 and would prefer to be a lot closer to $700. But then again... That is just *my* `feelings' about the whole `affair'. {WAN GRIN!} Having said that... From what I can tell, here way off in the distance, if it is in excellent condition physically, you just *possibly* find the bolt to seem to have a bit of `tightness' to it, and everything else `clicks' then someplace between $600 and $650 may be `valid'. Though it still `feels' a bit too high for an `experienced' rifle. There'd have to be some pretty `good vibes' about it for me.

I *do* know that it will definitely make all those hours of drudgery it takes to keep the local `varmints' under control a *lot* more `fun'. Also... When you can `take out' a *golf ball* at 100 and 200 yards... Whoopee!!!! (I've got one sitting right here on the desk that I `took out' at 200yds with my .223 and some Blackhills ammo. [Has the SPEER 52gr BTHP w/canvernous maw for the HP and is the same that I've used for a couple other loads I've made.] Nice *little* round hole at the entrance and a `Don't look Ethel!' gaping hole for the exit. Not too shabby for what some would call a `bone stock' `out of the box' rifle!) I think you'll enjoy shooting it. Oops! Almost forgot... *MAKE CERTAIN TO WEAR HEARING PROTECTION!* If it has the muzzle brake version of the BOSS it *will* be *loud*! And... Amzingly enough pretty danged quiet `down range'!