Any 10 gauge fans?


New member
Just wondering if anybody else here is as fond of the 10. I've got a SxS and an SP-10 that help gaurd the homefront and a BPS that I don't have a use for yet. Anyone?


New member
yep ,,i have a sxs,,,26" barrels,,choke tubes,,,a real killing machine,,,it has NEVER let me down



New member
I know what you mean. Grandpa called mine a death ray after I oblitered a coyote with both barrels of 00 buck at 15 or so paces. My SxS has 21 inch tubes and I've thought about choke tubes, but it just sits by the sofa when I'm home so I suppose it doesn't need them. My house I'd tiny and I've recreated the furthest shot at a piece of sheet rock, and the patterns about 6 inches across. So I suppose the chokes are useless for me.


Staff In Memoriam
I've recreated the furthest shot at a piece of sheet rock
"recreated" sounds like pacing off the distance in home and setting up sheet rock outdoors to pattern the gun...:D;)


New member
damn Mike,,a ten for a couch gun,,,,I bet that would give you a headache,,,LOL

did someone cut that double down or did it come that way??? 21 seems like an odd no. for the barrel length on a SxS,,,,but i like it,,,i bet there is one hellofa ball of fire at night when you touch her off,,,lol,,,,don't set the couch on fire



New member
Good call Brent. idiots always dump garbage at the gravel pit where I shoot so there are lots of targets of opportunity. Paced off the house then backed off a piece of sheetrock at the gravel pit.
Ocharry- I had them cut to that length along time ago. It had 32s and not being a fowler, I had it done like a coach gun. 21 was where it looked "balanced". I'd planned on shorter but it looks proportioned at 21. If you give me your email, ill let you see the gun.


New member
i was gona send you a PM until kozak said he wanted to see it too,,and i still can send one with my e-mule

yeah i know what you mean about the balance thing,,my old double that i used for cowboy action is cut to 24" looks good handles good,,,i had to cut it because of the barrels being out of regulation,,,IIRC the left barrel was out of whack,,,it would pattern about 3 feet right,,,i don't know what happened to it but it looked like it came out of the soldering fixture like that,,,,took around 6" off the barrels,,,2" at a time,, to get it to hit where i was looking,,,,it's an old AYA,,nice old shot gun

i also have another one that is cut to 24",,it's a hammer gun i got for cowboy stuff too and seems like that 24 no. just works for me,,,this one is of russian manufacture from the 30's,,it even has chrome bores,,nice old gun

so what is the maker of your gun??


Evyl Robot

New member
I'd love to have a 10-ga coach! I've never shot a 10, but I bet I would love it. My wife tells me I'm a recoil masochist! :D +1 on posting pics of your gun!


New member
I had a Remington SP-10. I bought it because I wanted a nice 10 gauge but had no particular use for it. I started turkey hunting with it. It patterned as nicely as any gun could possibly pattern, better than any 3.5" 12 I had. The weight and action kept the recoil very manageable. And it wasn't as loud as my 3.5" 12s. But it was very heavy and I ended up selling it. But it was a very nice gun - overbuilt IMO. That was a gun that would have lasted a lifetime even with heavy use.


New member
Ok fine

Since y'all wanna see this thing, I'll try posting some pictures. Some ratty cell pics are all I can do, but you guys will get the gist of it. the one of its eyes is blurry, but looks good still. Ocharry, its a Stoeger Zephyr


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New member

Micropterus_ Yes they are a hunk of gun thats for sure. I bought mine for 400 hundred from an old goose hunter. Lots of finish wear but strong as a vault. Its off with a friend with a mountain lion problem now, or I'd throw some pics of that one up too.
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New member

Like that coach gun. Stoeger Zephyr. Are they currently available? How much does it weigh? Other 10 ga. SXSs?


New member
Thanks! It's a custom job, it wore 32 inchers originally. there's some used ones floating around. It's Spanish and out of production as far as I know. Much handier now. According to the bathroom scale, it weighs right at 10lbs.


New member
I have an old Ithaca Mag 10 (30"), a Winchester 1887 (1901 Model) lever gun (28"), a single shot (36") and a SxS (30") for smokeless and a SxS and fowler in BP...I once had a bolt action with a 36" barrel but I gave it away to my unsuspecting cousin...

The only one I use it the Ithaca for pass shooting geese and I'll sometimes uses the SxS for geese as well but it kicks like a mule...

The BP guns are *****cats to shoot, even with heavy loads of FFG...

My uncle still has the 10 Bore double rifle his father used in Africa on Safari in the 1950s...16 lbs of sheer killing power pushing an ounce and a half projectile at (around) 1,750 fps...It really knocks down moose!


New member
Seekher-The 10 bore rifle sounds like fun. I've thought of getting some rifled slugs for mine, but never have gotten around to it.
And for everyone following along, I feel like a tool. The barrel are 20 inches, not 21. Coulda sworn they were cut to 21, but I just measured them. Oopsy.


New member
I just inherited an AYA Matador 10 guage, I've got no real use for it, it's a nice gun though. I may end up sellin it.


New member
hey mike that's a nice cannon you got there

my 10 is american arms turkey special,,i love that gun,,,when i got it i patterned it at 60yrds. ,,it will give 94% in a 30" circle with full choke tubes,,with federal buffered copper 6's,,,it's a turkey killin machine

Nickanto,,let me know if you want to let go of that ol gun,,i may be interested



New member
Thanks ocharry. She's seen alot of hard use in the past. Not much anymore, she just stands guard. That's a nice pattern from that AA, mine used to be something like that before it got turned into a coach. I'd like to find a beater o/u and do it up the same way, but I've never seen one around and I have no job at the moment. Hopefully that will change as I have an interview this afternoon.