Anti-NRA websites


New member
We’ve all seen these anti-gun, hate-the-NRA sites and here’s another guy (?) with an anti-NRA, anti-stand-your-ground, anti-“assault weapon" website.

I’ve been giving him (?) a hard time, because he refuses to say who he is, where he lives, what he does (with all the time he devotes to this silly garbage, I’m sure he isn’t employed) or what qualifications he has, other than the ability to cut-and-paste from the Brady and VPC websites.

Since he doesn’t have the courage of his convictions and insists on making anonymous posts, his credibility is zero.

The good news: Even though I’ve been pretty hard on him, he hasn’t banned me or deleted my posts. Most of these jokers, including the Bradys, the VPC and several others, will shut you down quick if you disagree with them.

If you want to respond to this site, try to refrain from calling him names, swearing, and getting too hostile. Politeness and logic drive him crazy.
It’s hard to do, I know.
I joined an "anti" facebook one page with the intent of "giving them hell..."
There were already 4-5 times as many pro-gun posters as anti AND the admins were banning/deleting pro-gun posters pretty quickly. I just laughed and un-joined the page.


New member
I would not discount the effect of social media. Lies told broadly and often enough become truth. My facebook and twitter includes people who are anti gun and the messaging is relentless.

I have a score of connections who send a couple of messages a week on murder news stories with "maybe he (insert perp) was 'standing his ground'," along with "where was the NRA's 'good guy with a gun'?"

Reductive slogans and idiot talking points repeated often enough make people think it is consensus. Studies show over and over that following consensus is a factor, and in many cases the sole factor, in adopting an opinion.

The majority of your fellow citizens think gun murder is up when it has plummeted. Never underestimate the power of herd idiocy.


New member
I'm shocked they haven't banned you. I made a few well thought out post. None of them were rude and just stated the facts. I was banned in less then 30 minutes.


New member
I have no issues with anonymous pages. An opinion or idea doesn't gain or lose credibility depending on who wrote it, it stands or falls on the merits of the arguments made.

Some of the most important founding documents of our country, the Federalist Papers, were written anonymously.

Demanding to know the identity of anti-gun authors doesn't bolster our case, it makes us look like deranged stalkers.


I have to disagree with Armed chicagoan, any opinion you won't stand behind isn't worth writing. The antis don't really have any numbers or stats on their side, so anonymous is really the only way their argument works. But, the days of anonymous Internet are long gone.

I was all for the open source movement, in the early days of the Internet, back when you could anonymously slander whoever you wanted. The idea of anonymous identity and free information for all was just a pipe dream. Then we had online bullying lead to dire things, forums/chat rooms that cleaned up their acts, and big money interests seeing opportunity, all with the coming of age of social networking. Internet anonyminity is a farce, and only used as a mask by the weak who can't reasonable justify their opinions.

It should be noted I don't use Facebook, linked in, etc. I consider social networking meeting and talking to guys at the range, in the LGS,etc. Plus, I suppose my signature gives me away: yep, I'm the author.


Active member
My name is Jack Stanowalski, my SS# is 987-12-321, I live at 4576 Bucknuck lane Trenttown, Iowa. Opinion: Sig P210's are a sorry excuse for a sidearm because they are too heavy and they don't fire man-stoper 45acp's. My opinion must be right because I'm not hiding behind the electronic cloak of anonymity.


^^No one said anonymous opinions MUST be wrong, good for you for standing behind what you believe. Opinions are just that and not necessarily right or wrong.

But you do prove without a doubt that the general discussion forum can always be counted on for reactionary, argumentative posts.:rolleyes: