Anti-Home Invasion Preparations (non-gun)


New member
I've come across a few interesting things in reading through this area of the forum and figured it may not be a bad idea to consolidate a few ideas.

Much of the below I take no credit for, I just found them interesting and wondered what else people have thought of in their quest to make their homes safe.

List of non-gun, anti-home invasion devices (to complement your gun)
[links provided ONLY to show a sample of what I'm talking about, not to relate any experience or endorsement of said product]

(1) Large Dog (real)

(2) Fake Dog (i.e. one of those auto-barkers based on proximity)

(3) Sack of marbles to roll down a hallway (especially good for hardwood floors) -- $10 and change buys you 700 mini marbles!

(4) Automatic Lighting System -- could also be a remote operated lighting system (could be auto-on based on proximity or setup to turn on all lights in a room (or the house) with a remote)

(5) Bulletproof 'Riot' shield ($1600) --seems like the ultimate -- prop yourself in a corner with this shield, a gun and a phone and you're all set unless commandos invade

(6) Bulletproof 'Blanket' (figure around $1500+ for high level protection), and much of these are rather flame retardant as well; sizes from 4x4 feet to 6x6 feet are available -- given the weight, the smaller one may be more useful (22 lbs on the 4x4 versus 50 lbs on the 6x6)

(7) Window Exit Ladder (I'm assuming the kind that is essentially a double rope ladder with rungs; something that is not permanantly installed -- for bedrooms on a 2nd floor or higher; primary useage here is for a fire escape, but good also for exiting the building when leaving the bedroom is a risky situation)

[I'm curious what people think of #5 and 6; both of these are available from an online shop that also sells standard bullet proof vests to military & police; I thought #6 was a decent idea for useage by the wife & kid as they hide in the tub while I position myself to defend with a gun (or two). Though perhaps I should have it...]

What else have you come across that seems like a good addition? (weird or otherwise)
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Yankee Traveler

New member
A safe room. Usually built to withstand tornado's and hurricane's, they can also be fortified to repel armed BG's as well. Generally a large walk in closet, it can also house your gun safe and valuables safe as well.

Deaf Smith

New member
You have way to few methods to stop a home invasion jg0001.

1) Steel doors with masive strike plates and solid oak beams for the frames. All doors done this way. Especially your entrance door! And have not only a peep hole on ALL outside doors, but a mirror farther out that you can see. That way you can see someone hiding by the door.

2) All windows with wire mesh embeded glass or 'burgler bars' that bolt from the inside.

3) 'Bear guard' pepper spray (as a fogger.) And stun guns if you like (the dart firing kind.) And use fake light swithes (yes fake, look like one but they are hollow and have your pepper spray/stun guns hidden behind them.) There are many ways to hide such defensive weapons.

4) Yes a safe room. TWO OF THEM ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE HOUSE. With a SCUBA tank inside so once you enter you turn on the tank to provide overpressure (so tear gas or the pepper spray or such won't affect you.) You have two safe rooms cause you never know what side of the house you will be on when the home invaders come. They can easly be between you and the safe room. Make sure your safe room has the same doors and strike plates as your entrance door above.

5) Cell phone in each of the safe rooms.

6) A good burgler alarm system. Yes that way it's harder for them to stay long (and knowing you are in your safe room calling the cops.)

7) Dog is fine. Maybe two so they have a companion.

8) stand alone LED lights in each room that come on if the power is cut.

And if you do decide to get a gun... there are many other suggestions!


New member
  1. Outdoor lighting, with an emphasis around doors and windows
  2. Good locks.
  3. Since some big dogs are slow to respond, I have two. A high strung poodle (the detonator) and a 80 pound boxer (the payload.)


New member
I've posted about this before but one of the neatest things I've seen is a friend's house where the upstairs has a balcony that looks into the downstairs and he's built a powerful light into one of the stairs such that if he flips a switch in the master bedroom there is a blinding light that covers almost the entire downstairs of his house (which can be watched from that upstairs balcony).


New member
Nice thorny plants under the windows. It makes life difficult for a bad guy gaining access to the window. We use roses and some plum plant we found at a local nursery. It looks like a normal hedge but has wicked long sharp spines.

Neighbors who help keep and eye out are valuable as well.



New member
1. Micro Machines on the floor so the invaders slip and fall.

2. Take a large bucket of tar and set it up so it falls and dumps the tar on them. Then have a fan set up on a trip wire system, and have a large amount of feathers (from down pillows) set up so when they trip the fan, it blows the feathers on them, sticking to the tar.

3. Place a hot iron on the door handle opposite the one they might use. It'll heat the handle up and burn the crap out of their hand when they touch it.

There are many other things you can do, but they're only recommended if you're Home Alone.


New member
There are many other things you can do, but they're only recommended if you're Home Alone.

Loved the MicroMachines idea. What I've learned is a dad is that if you can expect that they're barefoot, scatter Legos all around. A Lego can bring a barefoot Navy SEAL to his knees, begging for mercy.


Staff In Memoriam

1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.

2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine and your NRA magazines.

3. Put a few giant-sized dog dishes next to the boots and magazine.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:

"Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke, and Slim,

I went for more ammunition. Back in about an hour.

Don't mess with the pit bulls -- they attacked

the mailman this morning and messed him up

real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it, but it was

hard to tell from all the blood. Anyways,

I locked all four of 'em in the house.

Better wait in your truck till I get back."

May I add that dozens to hundreds of visible empty shot shell hulls and rifle ammo brass scattered about ye' ol' homestead is like additional coverage.


New member
In addition to a firearm, I have a couple of small items to help deter.. I can activate (6)clear mini strobes (3 outside and 3 inside). If a bad-guy is creeping around at night, he will know he has been detected. It also allows the LEO's to quickly id which house they have been called to.


Now that's a very interesting idea. Could come in handy in the event of a medical emergency as well...for the EMTs to easily locate the house. I may have to consider adding this to my system. Thanks for sharing that, Fireforged.

Terry A

New member
Nice thorny plants under the windows. It makes life difficult for a bad guy gaining access to the window. We use roses and some plum plant we found at a local nursery. It looks like a normal hedge but has wicked long sharp spines.

Neighbors who help keep and eye out are valuable as well.


Interesting thread with some great answers. I especially agree with the above post. And also to cut away shrubs that are near windows or doors that could be used for concealment for someone attempting to get in. But 99.99% of us already know that so I don't know why I even typed that!

I liked Deaf Smith's ideas as well, but the cost factor is way more than we could afford.

Guns in various parts of the house with extra ammo at hand is also something that should be considered if you don't carry often at home.

Terry A

New member
1) Steel doors with masive strike plates and solid oak beams for the frames. All doors done this way. Especially your entrance door! And have not only a peep hole on ALL outside doors, but a mirror farther out that you can see. That way you can see someone hiding by the door.

2) All windows with wire mesh embeded glass or 'burgler bars' that bolt from the inside.

The ONLY thing bad about those ideas is that if a fire ever broke out, the firemen would have their work cut out getting inside to battle said fire if the homeowner is away.

Some doors that are heavily re-enforced like that can only be breached by a tow truck or DET-Cord. :eek: :D


New member
Leave a few of your reloading hulls/brass sitting outside...

But short of a "safe room," trust in .45ACP. :rolleyes:


New member
In Florida...

we have a plant called "Spanish Bayonet." It's kind of like a giant aloe plant with a bad attitude. Plant a couple under each window. They look good too.:cool:


New member
I dont need sheilds and wont live in a jail cell with bars on the windows. I will hide behind my 870 or my .45. thats all i need. my dog is loud and a light sleeper so thats all i need