Anti-gun vids on the net - how to handle?


New member
Alas, there is a lot of anti-gun stuff on the internet (youtube, e.g.). what do you propose: A) Trying to shun such videos, giving them a number of viewers as small as possible (which can be hard given that not in all cases the content is obvious by the title) or, B) watching them, but giving them a "thumbs down" instead...


YES, once you have clicked, option A is out...

best, Simon

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I simply don't watch them and if I do by some unfortunate circumstance I give them a thumbs down and leave a coherent, factual comment.


New member
I also refuse to watch them. You managed to pique my curiosity with that link, though. But as curious as I am to see what that video is about, I managed to keep myself from clicking on the link. And it's a good thing too; besides giving them another view, all it would do is annoy the heck out of me ;).


New member
I think ignoring them is the best policy. Even a clear, intelligent, and civilly worded response will not change anyone's mind. When you argue with a fool, you are liable to act like one.


New member
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

But don't you think that it DOES say something when such a video (which is supposed to rally the Gunphobics) gets (in that particular case) 1.200 likes but, hear ye, 13.000 dislikes?

If we maintain an impressive rate like this on all such videos, the unbiased or undecided viewer stumbling in will at least get THAT message as well along with what the vid itself says.

just my 2c


New member
But don't you think that it DOES say something when such a video (which is supposed to rally the Gunphobics) gets (in that particular case) 1.200 likes but, hear ye, 13.000 dislikes?
That video in the link was put up by the Violence Policy Center.
I wonder if ABC - who made it - sanctioned VPC calling it one of theirs?
Might be worth an email to ABC to find out.

Josh Sugarman (Exec. Director of VPC) ain't right in the head....
He's a zealot in the truest sense of the word.
That comes through when you view the video & it suddenly strikes you that it somehow reminds you of Reefer Madness....
(not the plot - but - the message)

Anyhow - the girl in the video is pretty. She does have a nice smile.

Also - there is a considerable amount of truth in that video.
It's just horribly distorted.
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New member
I just don't watch them. If I get tricked into doing it or someone shares it on Facebook or something, I dislike it. I'm not sure if it actually helps or not, but I know the videos would serve no purpose but to upset me.

As for the arguing, I agree that you probably won't change anyone's mind over the web, but I've changed a few opinions of some people in person. A lot of it comes down to who the person is, how emotional/logical they want to be about it, and their political leanings.


New member
Don't watch them and don't post links to them. How many of the "views" are by pro-2A supporters funneled to the video by blogs and forum posts like this one? And, if you negatively comment, you're just fanning the fire for the most part.
How many of the "views" are by pro-2A supporters funneled to the video by blogs and forum posts like this one?
I'd wager most of them.

There are very few real gun-control supporters. For a high-profile video, that's maybe 1,000 viewers. Jim Bob's survivalist nutjob videos get more sympathetic hits than that.

Somebody finds an anti-gun video, it gets splashed all over the blogs and forums, and the outrage channels tons of hits for videos that would barely be noticed otherwise. Regardless of the source, the video is still getting the hits (and the author is still getting the advertising revenue).

Leaving rebuttals in the comments just generates more interest. The best strategy is to ignore them.


New member
I think ignoring them is the best policy. Even a clear, intelligent, and civilly worded response will not change anyone's mind. When you argue with a fool, you are liable to act like one.

My thoughts exactly!


New member
Like the ammo shortage, we can be our own worst enemy at times. Don't contribute to the hype, ignore those videos. :)

Just my opinion.


New member
Nothing you can say will sway those that buy into those types of videos. I've watched a few but generally just ignore them.


New member
Tom Servo said:
Regardless of the source, the video is still getting the hits (and the author is still getting the advertising revenue).
Exactly. Many people don't seem to realize that when they watch those videos they're basically contributing money to anti-gun groups.