Anti-gun statements and comebacks....


New member
We've all heard people say anti-gun statements, and let's face it - most of us, at one time or another, have not had a good comeback. Later on we might think of something that we SHOULD have said.

I'd like this thread to focus on popularly quoted anti-gun statements, and accurate, logical, and polite pro-gun counter statements. I know our cause is solid and just, and that we need to have more than good one-liners, but it's also important to be able to negate an anti-gun statement on the spot without starting a big monologue or tirade.

I'll kick it off with: "Why do you have a defensive handgun? The chances of your having to use it are infinitesimally small. It's like you're paranoid."

My response: "I've never had a claim on my auto insurance, but that doesn't stop me from having it. The chances of me getting in a wreck this month are very small, so should I cancel my policy for this month? Why not? Am I paranoid for keeping it active?"

Give a statement and then a comeback. If you have a different comeback for a previous statement, feel free to post it. This should be fun and educational. :)


New member
Please don't consider this as a smartass answer to your question, as I'm really serious when I say that I just don't consider it my duty to respond to somebody when he/she's babbling incoherently. (The anti, not the threadstarter! :D )


New member
I dig, Zeke, but think of it this way:

You are at a party. The topic of guns comes up. Someone says, "hey Zeke, you have guns don't you? Why?"

You can't just stare at them until they go away. That'd just confirm to them that you're a nut. :D


New member
Why not just tell them the truth?

Anti: Why do you own a gun?
You: Because I can, and want to.

You can even throw a question back at them.

Anti: Why do you own a gun?
You: Because I can, and want to. Why do you not own a gun?

They will probably respond with, "Well I don't need one, I have a phone and can dial 911"

Your responce can be something along the lines of, "Well why call the police? to respond with guns? The gun giving the police officer the means to meet a threat with equal or greater force? Why not equip yourself with these means? Do you know how long it takes on average for the police to respond to a call? What if you cannot make it to your phone?"

Throw a bunch of questions at them, they love doing this, throwing questions out even before they get the time to answer one.


New member
tjhands: I'd just have to guess that the parties that you attend are attended by a different sort of folks than the parties that I attend. :)


New member
Must agree, our parties often involve more shooting than idle banter about the pros and cons of gun ownership. But upon encountering a non shooter or anti of some sort, I have just discussed it from the "hobby" angle as opposed to the "shoot em in the yard and drag em into the house, call 911 and wait for the police" approach. Try taking a liberal shooting sometime, some find themselves becoming gun owners. Years back, I met a girl in a bar, very liberal, (think vegan) got to talking to her about this sorta stuff and our differences. Told her she could take me out for a vegie dinner if I could take her out shooting. We did and had a couple of good nights together after that. She changed her mind, I, however, didnt. Vegetables are still a side dish.


New member
my mother inlaw, refering to my carry piece -"tom, why do you need one of those things?"

me- "because i am not content with leaving the saftey of my wife and daughter - your daughter and grand daughter - in the hands of others. what kind of person would ask someone else to risk thier live to protect something that they are not willing to protect themselves?"

(yes, i had been waiting for someone to ask me that question)

she never brought it up again.


New member
When discussing with younger folks......

You ever notice that no where in the six Harry Potter books does anyone blame the wand for killing people? Notice that even 11 year old children are given a wand and taught how to defend themselves? Notice that under Wizarding Law, a wand can only be confiscated after criminal charges have been proven? Notice that anyone not in jail can possess a wand?


New member
You: "Hammers can kill people almost as easily as guns can - you don't hear anyone calling for hammers to be banned."

Them: "Yes, but a gun's sole purpose is to kill. Hammers are good for lots of other things. True, you can target shoot with a handgun, but it was invented to kill people."

How would you folks respond to that?


New member
Them: "Yes, but a gun's sole purpose is to kill. Hammers are good for lots of other things. True, you can target shoot with a handgun, but it was invented to kill people."
Me: "You seem believe that all killing of people for any reason is inherently wrong. Arn't there situations where it would be the right thing to do to kill someone? (Insert situation of choice)."


New member
I've never had a claim on my auto insurance, but that doesn't stop me from having it. The chances of me getting in a wreck this month are very small, so should I cancel my policy for this month? Why not? Am I paranoid for keeping it active?"
The law requires you to keep up your auto insurance, is there a law that requires you to carry a gun.
I'm sorry, you meant comeback to use on them. :)

I half jokingly use this one on my ex-MIL.

"You stand over there with the cell phone and I'll stand over here with this big ole rock.
When I say go you call the police and lets see which one of us gets to you first"

True, you can target shoot with a handgun, but it was invented to kill people."
So was the hammer, we have just assigned less deadly tasks for it, just as we have for target guns


New member
"Yes, but a gun's sole purpose is to kill.
Given the millions upon millions of guns in the US and the number of firearm related deaths each year, it would seem that either a gun is a very poor choice for killing or killing isn't the sole purpose of a gun.

DT Guy

New member
This works with knives, too:

Anti-"Why do you carry that thing-isn't it dangerous?"

Me-"You seem to be focusing on my knife/gun as a weapon. I've always viewed it as a tool. Your attitude scares me a little-you're not going to do something crazy, are you?"

Works every time....


Guy B. Meredith

New member
NEVER go on the defensive or give justifications if you can avoid it. Keep the questioner on the defensive. Make them explain their motives and beliefs and keep digging until they have no more to support their questions.

Regarding the idea that guns were designed to kill, "And your point is?".

Hkmp5sd's comment is about as close as I would come to offering a defense. Guns were designed to kill as were the ancestors of the baseball bat and golf club. They now have sporting/recreational uses. Millions of rounds are fired each year for recreational purposes for each one used in violence by civilians. Obviously the recreational use outweighs the violent use.


I dig, Zeke, but think of it this way:

You are at a party. The topic of guns comes up. Someone says, "hey Zeke, you have guns don't you? Why?"

You can't just stare at them until they go away. That'd just confirm to them that you're a nut.

Well, since it's a private, personal matter, you could look at the person and say that you care not to answer such a question, for the same reasons they might care not to answer queries about what type of "intimate toys" that person and their spouse like to use in the bedroom.

You could ask them why they are so cavalier about asking personal questions, and why they lack the manners to leave private issues private.



New member
It usually goes something like this...

Lisa: Dad! The Second Amendment is just a remnant from revolutionary days. It has no meaning today!

Homer: You couldn’t be more wrong, Lisa. If I didn’t have this gun, the king of England could just walk in here anytime he wants and start shoving you around. [pushing Lisa] Do you want that? [pushing her harder] Huh? Do you?

Lisa: [quietly indignant] No . . .

Homer: All right, then.