Anti Gun / School Rampage Book Pushed on School Kids


New member
The link is for the book "Give the boy a Gun" on

I just had a lady in my office come in to tell me her 12 year old is being forced to read this trash in school. She had to leave the classroom yesterday it disturbed her so much. The book follows two "outcast" kids who take a school dance hostage with stollen guns and explosives. Fast forward to the negative reviews to get some clearer pictures of what the author is saying.

It is blatant Anti-Gun propaganda and the school itself is capitalizing on three school attacks in a week. If you really want to toss your lunch, my co-workers daughter is being forced to attend a meeting with the autor in the school's library.

Check your kid's school library for this book and find out if it is being included in the curiculum.


That's a fantastic idea - make the kids read it, so that the unstable/loners/outcast students will get some ideas, and begin to transform their fantasy into potential reality. [/sarcasm]


New member
I dare the school that my kids go to, say they have to read this book if they start distributing those around. I teach my kids the positive things about firearms and what the constitution says, and have them reason about the bad things that are out of our control.


New member
If you really want to toss your lunch, my co-workers daughter is being forced to attend a meeting with the autor in the school's library.

Unless they have a shotgun on her, they can't FORCE her to do anything. If the teachers tell her class to go to the auditorium, while they are in line just have her slip away. It's good practice.:)


New member
Unless they have a shotgun on her, they can't FORCE her to do anything. If the teachers tell her class to go to the auditorium, while they are in line just have her slip away. It's good practice.

That is not realistic. Students/Minors do not have the rights you and I have. There would also be a punishment for slipping away. THe school, from a position of power, is pushing an anti 2A agenda.

I have looked at a copy of the book. At the back is a long list of anti 2A organizations, HCI, VPI, on and on. At the bottom of the list is a note stating a portion of all proceeds from the book are being given to organizations supporting further gun control. What more is needed to point out the problem here?


That's a fantastic idea - make the kids read it, so that the unstable/loners/outcast students will get some ideas, and begin to transform their fantasy into potential reality. [/sarcasm]

Maybe that's the idea. These things are happening for some reason.



New member
Students/Minors do not have the rights you and I have. There would also be a punishment for slipping away.

Of course they would want to punish. That never stopped me from speaking out when the truth was being sweeped under the rug. I spent more time in the corner by myself than Nelson Mandella did:D . But I would do it all over. As far as minors not having the rights that we do, I say that if they are to be held responsibe for their actions*, they should have the rights too.

Never let the school forget that THEY WORK FOR YOU.

*Like still going to prison if they rob somebody.


New member
It is good to want to have your kids stand up for what is right. At the same time we are trying to teach them some respect for rules and such.

In this case we are dealing with 12 year olds. It is our job to help them learn what is moral and right. We can't expect them to decide to stand up to their teachers and administrators who are the defacto authority figures in their school lives. It is our job, as adults, to insure they are not abused and their learning corrupted, as is the case here.

The kid who would stand up to this book is not the one I am worried about. It is the kids who know no better and are learning falsehoods.
Might help with our articulation of the outrage if one of us went out and did something totally irrational, like READ the book.


Okay, I'll go out on a limb and say that if it's true that the back of the book lists support for and from anti-gun organizations, we really don't need to read it through to get the general gist. :rolleyes:

What do you think reading the book will get us, Rich -- apart from having supported HCI financially, I mean?

Well I'm outraged by some legislation that was recently passed. I don't know what it says, but a few strangers claim it limits freedom.

Think I'll take up some bandwidth now and post a thread about it. ;)


New member
If a public school is buying the book and the proceeds are going to fund the likes of the Brady Bunch and the VPC, then I would take offense at that. After all, the school is likely purchasing the books with the tax dollars of the residents. Do you really want your tax dollars intended for your child's education to be going to the anti-gun movement?


New member
I read a little of it at lunch, not much. I did focus on the list at the back of anti gun orgs as well as the list of school rampage shootings with careful attention paid to listing the weapons used in each.

I will NOT buy this book. My money will not go to support it. At the same time, if a KKK member wrote a book entitled "The Nation We Should Be" with a list of friendly groups such as the KKK and Aryan Nation as well as a note stating "proceeds from this book will go to organizations supporting white supremicy" would you really need to read it to know what it said?

I will try to read it though, borrowing it from my co-worker when she is done. The little I read was bad from a writer's standpoint. If I can borrow it and survive the bad writing and political agenda I will tell you what I found.


Rich, do you think that every person who protests a given subject has read every line written about it?

Take people who protest against a court's sentence of someone they support: do you think they all obtain and read transcripts of the trial? No; I think that when someone has the general gist of something they make a decision about whether they support or oppose it.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be a good idea to read the book and get versed in what it says in order to effectively condemn and oppose it. But if that means I'd have to spend money that will go to support HCI and them, I don't think I'm inclined to do that.



Here's the jem of your Rich's link-

* Require locks or other safety devices on all guns;
(Already do in my state, for pistols anyway.)

* Ban the sale of semiautomatic assault rifles;
(I think I should go buy another just in case)

* Stop the sale and importation of high-capacity ammunition clips;
(And some more of these too)

* Require mandatory background checks;
(Already done, unless they want it done for all FTF transfers, Which they prob do.)

* Prohibit handgun possession by those under 21;
(Already prohibited, unless via FTF, and even then the legality of which is questionable)

* Establish tip lines for students to alert adults about potential violence.
(This one really is my favorite. What would the phone number facilitate that a student couldn't already do?)

These people are F'n BATTY! They already got most of these for a while with that decade ban, don't they realize the ineffectiveness of their plan?
Thanks much for at least perusing. I'm not against you posting this thread. My observation was what it was. If we are to credibly oppose this book in public schools we should at least be able to articulate a bit more than the fact that HCI is listed as a sponsor on the back cover.

After all, the NRA is listed as THE sponsor of the Eddie Eagle Program and there isn't one amongst us who would oppose that, is there?

I had no idea that HCI gets a cut from the book sales. I suspect neither do you. Blind assumptions like that are easily refuted by those with a vested interest in promoting this book in schools. Once you're caught with a less-than-credible argument, you loose your audience altogether. Then what did your righteous indignation accomplish?


Rich, anti-gunners promulgate lies that they KNOW are lies, and why? Because they know that we pro-gunners will have to spend DECADES trying to run down the lies and correct the record. (Think of the "undetectable plastic Glock pistol." :rolleyes: )

So what's really the worst that can happen if we go spouting non-deliberate lies, born of assumptions (that are fair assumptions, mind you) that send the anti-gunners off having to chase down lies themselves? Fair's fair.

I'm not saying that I think we should deliberately go and try to become what we detest about anti-gunners, but it might be fun to once in a while see them have to run and counter a PRO-gun lie...

Besides, Rich, here:
I have looked at a copy of the book. At the back is a long list of anti 2A organizations, HCI, VPI, on and on. At the bottom of the list is a note stating a portion of all proceeds from the book are being given to organizations supporting further gun control. What more is needed to point out the problem here?

That was there before I wrote my first reply in this thread. We DID know, contrary to what you said, that the book supports anti-gun causes.



New member
Oh, you mean like the National Lobbying Group of Your Kids' Teachers

I wasn't aware that NEA gets a cut out of the proceeds of school supplies and classroom materials, but I could be wrong. Though I realize the teachers that support NEA are paid with taxpayer dollars, I don't see it as the same thing since they should be just as free to spend the paychecks they earn as anyone else.
So what's really the worst that can happen if we go spouting non-deliberate lies
The worst thing in that case? Lessee:
- That you be called for the "non-deliberate" liar you'd admit yourself to be?
- That you spit on the name of your father by casual deceit and slothful dishonesty?
- That you demonstrate your beliefs to be exactly in concert with the Antis: That Americans are stupid; They may be lied to and deceived in order to win a debating point?

I dunno, AF. If "non-deliberate" lying to win a minor point in some imaginary debate over a book you haven't read is admittedly part of your make-up; well, then I guess there really is no downside. Other than the fact that you're using up all the oxygen in the room, while bragging on your lack of principle. You're sure to find a following here. :D
