Anti-Gun Establishments and Personalities


New member
As I gun owner and enthusiast - I do my best to spend my dollars on businesses and organizations that are Pro-firearms. If I see a store that does not allow firearms - I choose not to go in there and spend my money on them.

In reading the "list" from the NRA, there are some eye-opening groups and organizations - some of whom - I would have never thought would be anti-gun.

There are for instance - certain hollywood types who made their money because of pro-gun type films who constantly speak against guns. Hmmm. Can we say two-face?

Heres a link to the "list".


Don't forget to throw away that computer you're using because the majority of the parts were made in a communist nation and most of the software was made by anti-gun groups. If you're on a Mac then you certainly need to chuck it, Apple is a massive contributor to anti-gun candidates. Bill Gates as well so if you're running Windows you're giving money to the anti-gunners. Linux, however, is a different beast...however since most of the programmers that support Open Source projects are liberal it's safe to say you're not going to find as many pro-gun people there.

Don't forget the very internet connection you're using is largely run and supported by anti-gun tech companies.

Shall we move onto cars? If you drive a Toyota, Honda, Subaru or Mitsubishi...well, we all know about Japan's gun politics.

As for actors, puhleeeeeze. Two faced? So when Ewan McGregor played a heroin junkie in Trainspotting despite not being a drug user himself he was being two-faced? :rolleyes: It's acting. It's make-believe. It's a job. Pro-gun type films? You mean films in which the cops and military all have guns? Besides Red Dawn how many films can you name that showed civilian ownership in a positive light?


Thanks for the reminder - every gun owner should check that list periodically, and act accordingly.

Redworm, you're entirely too cynical, and your arguments are disingeneous IMO, by extrapolating the idea to an extreme, when then extreme does NOT need to be extrapolated to, to effect the goal of a reasonable boycott. There is and necessarily must be a point at which we must draw the line, in terms of how tenuous the relationship is. Clearly, SOME relationships are highly attenuated - requiring many steps to make the connection between anti-gun politics and an effective, targeted boycott. SOME relationships clearly are not attenuated; they are direct as direct can be. We are smart enough to make the critical distictions, and not throw the baby out with the bath water, just because ALL products and services can be connected to something anti-gun by "six degrees of separation". It's the ONE and maybe TWO degrees of separation where the boycotts ought to be undertaken. I KNOW that you are smart enough to make the distinction, so I'm really suprised you'd be so cynical and non-discriminating, making a disingenous (IMO) argument like that.

But you are exactly right; we shouldn't buy apple computers. That is a DIRECT non-tenuous connection.

In fact, there are glaring holes in your logic, IMO: TOYOTA ain't Japan, and Japan ain't Toyota. TOYOTA is TOYOTA. TOYOTA may or may not give money to anti-gun causes. If they do, they should be boycotted.

The internet? Good point on the surface, but that too is erroneous, IMO, because NO ONE can "opt out" of using the internet. In other words, it's beyond our control as consumers. By definition, the boycotts only apply to goods & services within our control, as to spending our discretionary dollars.

The actor example is exactly correct however. Beyond that, tsk, tsk. Hopefully, you've just spoken rashly, and are not experiencing "Flowers for Algernon" syndrome. :p Boycotting anti-freedom folks is a very GOOD idea; something we should do, among the very few things we can do.
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Hopefully, you've just spoken rashly,
indeed and I apologize. it stems from having this argument in person with people who tell me I shouldn't buy cheeze-its or shop at target because I'm supporting the anti-gunners.

But folks should try to remember that these lists are not always accurate and certainly not complete.