Anti Carjacking Device


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Good concept, I wonder how the cops feel about it though

Also, I'd hate to get that in jewels after a car crash


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I also like the idea of the "Kingston" car seat holster, although I'd want to use it with some kind of a seat cover in order to hide the mounting strap:



its not an anti carjacking device. small company in south africa made one of its own. a small propane powered flame thrower that fits above your vehicle windows. push a button and 500,000 bhu is pumpeing out over each window. kinda interesting concept, but not if you had a leak in a gas line aand smoked.


New member
Yes, some may find some humor in this. I bet Reginald Denny during the 1991 Rodney King riots probably wish he had one when Damian Williams pulled him out of his truck and struck him in the head with a brick. Then Williams danced around the unconscious body of Denny as he lay dying.
I for one, will never be in a car without my friend "Sam" or "Mr. Smith and Wesson" to help me out in a time of need.
Some of you may not be old enough to remember that fateful day for Denny, I suggest you google it.:)


New member
...I wonder how the cops feel about it though

I believe laws vary on this. AFAIK, some states don't really care what you do with a gun inside a car, others require a permit, and others may require it to be hidden from view if you leave it in the vehicle.

Washington law says -

9.41.050 ... (2)(a) A person shall not carry or place a loaded pistol in any vehicle unless the person has a license to carry a concealed pistol and: (i) The pistol is on the licensee's person, (ii) the licensee is within the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there, or (iii) the licensee is away from the vehicle and the pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.

I'm not sure what this means. It probably means "You have to have a permit for a loaded pistol in a vehicle, and you have to hide it and lock the car if you don't carry it on your person." If so, then the holster under the steering wheel would be OK, as long as you took it with you when you left the vehicle.

Best thing to do would be to check with local authorities.
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That method of vehicle carry would not be legal in numerous states because the gun isn't actually concealed.

As for Reginald Denny, he might like to have had a gun, but not necessary this sort of vehicle holster for carry. Of course Denny could have avoided the riot situation all together. If he would have had a radio, he would have known the riots were occurring, but he didn't have a radio. Despite the mayhem occurring, Denny did not comprehend what he was driving into when he was driving into it. Once there, he didn't realize what was going on either and stopped his truck amongst rioters despite not having his truck disabled and despite objects being thrown at it and the windows getting broken. He was under attack and remain in place. He was subsequently pulled from his truck, beaten, suffered brain damage, and left on the street. Later, Denny managed to reboard his truck and start to drive off. Several folks came to his aid and one drove Denny in Denny's truck to the hospital.

All in all, Denny showed a rather alarming lack of common sense and failure to recognize the extremely dangerous situation occurring around him and did not try to do much of anything significant to protect himself. He could have driven off long before he was pulled from his truck, but didn't. If Denny didn't even try to do that, then you have to wonder if a gun would have done him any good at all.


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Illegal as heck in Ohio. Lately, I've been carrying in a shoulder rig if I have to drive somewhere that. I'm worried more than normal.