Another Virginia Carry Question


New member
I noticed on the the Virginia Civil Defense League's website a statement that concealed carry is prohibited on all Federal property. This seems to conflict with information contained in the hunting regulations that permit concealed carry in National Forests, at least during certain hunting seasons. Can anyone shed light on this potential discrepancy?


New member
That's a good question, and much hunting is done on federal (Army) property. As a retired Navy type, I frequent the bases re exchange/commissary/medical and recreation facilities and services. It more than annoys me to leave "it" home, particularly when my banking is on the way to one base.

You might want to revisit and join the VA-RKBA mail list - and once active, post your question there. The VA-RKBA list sign-up link now resides just under the VA-ALERT sign-up link in the right-hand column.

-Andy Barr


New member
Unless specifically exempted for sanctioned hunting or shooting events purposes, carrying firearms is banned on all federal property. What I want to know is where in the hell did the Federal Government get the right to own land?
My understanding is that, at least in National Forests, shooting is okay. That's where I usually go shooting. Judging from the brass a lot of others do as well. Is a National Forest under different regs because it is a "land use" area?


New member
I believe that concealed carry is allowed in National Forests, but not National Parks. The website probably wanted to make a quick blanket statement, or did not do complete research.


New member
There is also the philisophical point that if a weapon is truely concealed, nothing could be done about it. Nobody would know it is there.


New member
Hiking in a National Forest during hunting season, w/o a license, packing your handgun will get you a nice battery of questions from the warden. I, for example am in an odd situation in that when I bowhunt for deer, hunting laws supercede my right to carry a handgun concealed, as possession of firearms during bow season is prohibited!