Another "tricky legal question"


New member
Living in the land of no-carry, Missouri, I have started traveling with a fully loaded, fully visible, pistol in the car. It is legal to do that. My question is: We drive 120 miles into STL for the Rams games. I would not want to park my truck in downtown STL for 5 hours with a pitol on the dashboard. I am thinking that if the weapon was stored under the seat, with the ammo locked in the glove compartment, that would quailify under the fair transport laws as 'not being readily available to an occupant". There are no occupants. As soon as we get in the truck again, in goes the magazine, and onto the dash it goes.

Quoting from My Cousin Vinney.....does the defense's case hold water?

Thanks guys and gals.


New member
I've always been told that either ammo or gun should be in the trunk if they can't be together. The trunk is much more theft-proof as well.


New member
Thanks gorlista, however, the only two vehicles I own are a Ford F150 pickup and a Ford Explorer. In both cases, no trunk. The explorer has lockable storage between the front seats, but it is filled with a CD player. Both do have lockable glove compartments.

I'm going to run this by our county scheriff. He's a good old boy and we'll see what he says.


New member
Even if the "good ol boy" sheriff puts it in writing......
Know the law as it pertains to you.
It is you that has a vested interest in getting it right.



New member
I have read that the city of St. Louis has a local ordinance prohibiting a loaded weapon in car. Be careful.


New member
Also, Missouri is famous for local, outstate sheriffs turning a blind eye to conceled carry, while the city and suburban cops don't like it and will enforce the law. I'm kind of curoius myself about the Missouri law and controlling Appellate Court cases, so I may research this on a rainy day until CCW is passed.

Herb Leventhal

New member

I cannot believe there is a state with more restrictive gun laws than the State of Taxachusetts. Oh how I luv Florida
Seriously check the NRA web site and download the individual State Laws re: firearms


New member

Thanks gorlista, however, the only two vehicles I own are a Ford F150 pickup and a Ford Explorer. In both cases, no trunk. The explorer has lockable storage between the front seats, but it is filled with a CD player. Both do have lockable glove compartments

Get a .30 Cal USGI ammo can and put a hasp and padlock on it. It should be slim enough to fit behind the seat of your truck.

This is how I "carried" in Texas under Gov. Richards!


New member
I consider it foolish to ever have a visible firearm in a vehicle. A thief could simply follow a vehicle, then break in to the trunk or wherever to steal the gun since he can be certain it will be somewhere in the vehicle. There is one outdoor range (Angeles Shooting Ranges) I will never return to because they require customers to leave their gun bags on a shelf outside the office when checking in. When I asked "What if someone steals it?" The moron employee replied: "Well, nobody would steal a gun here."


New member
Please check TFL’s archives for the specific statute (I have posted it several times)

Federal law allows transportation of firearms anywhere in the US -- even the most hostile “anti” territory -- when they are: (1) unloaded, (2) locked in the truck (and, yes, there are specific provisions delineated for vehicles without trunks), (3) in a locked container, and (4) with any ammunition is a separate container. Therefore, if you comply with these provisions you should be legal when not openly carrying within the vehicle. However, I would install some type of "car gun safe", to makes theft more difficult, if I were going to leave the firearm unattended and in a Saint Louis parking lot for hours.


New member

Check out if you haven't already.

I took a look for Missouri, and it doesn't appear definitive either way. OTOH, there are links on the page to such places as the AG's office, and I'd expect them to have an opinion on this.

Hang in there. The antis are on the run now. If you keep at it, you *will* get CCW passed!