Another Texas Field Overrun with Hogs

Zen Archery

New member
Myself and George went to eliminate some yotes and hogs. :eek:



New member
The horn of africa is starving. Too bad there isnt a way to shoot those suckers and ship them to Somolia and bordering states.

Just keep them out of Wyoming.


New member
A friend of mine has been flying back and forth between the Nashville and Dallas areas, this summer, to do some work at our company HQ. He's been commuting via his toy, a Cessna C140 tail-dragger, and typically flying at 500'AGL when he does so, where legal to do so (IE over unpopulated areas).

He can't believe the numbers of hogs he's seen over Texas this year. He says he sees lots of hogs, every flight.


New member
Have the DNR, or whatever it is called in Texas, introduce some cougars and wolves in the state. Then when they've eaten all the hogs, have open seasons on them. Isn't that how it works? :D


New member
nice one! we went out this weekend and did some dove hunting on public lands. saw more hogs than dove. went back yesterday and relocated a 80lbs sow to my freezer. the problem with Texas parks and wildlife is that they need to remove or lossen up the restrictions for hogs on public lands. we can only hunt hogs for 1 more week in this spot. then we have to wait untill Jan.


New member
I have been fortunate so far this summer... I made it painfully obvious to the pigs that they will die, and I am not experiencing the onslaught that we had.

From Feb- april I went out and shot pigs nearly every night, and have been running traps non-stop. They have been avoiding the most valued areas of the farm now.

Don't get me wrong, there are still pigs in the area, and I realize that they will probably never be completly gone. I think eradication is impossible.

We have to use their adaptability against them. Because they adjust their habits according to our activities, we can exclude them from areas where they cause the most financial damage.

I also understand that this winter they will probably come back in higher numbers. I base this on the huge quantities of itty bitty piggies that I have seen.

While shooting and trapping pigs is fun as heck, I try not to do anything that encourages them to enter an area that they weren't gonna enter.
I don't bait outside of the traps, so if they find the trap they were already there.